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@KevinWho It's on an Ubuntu Server server (I know, I know. I would switch but I'm a bit lazy and also downtime), so the process consisted of:
- Making some ASCII art (more accurately modifying a version of some ASCII art of Miku I tweaked to work with monospace fonts)
- Coloring it with ANSI codes.
- Removing the last login from /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Removing files in /etc/update-motd.d that cluttered the default login
- Adding my own file (shell script, make sure it's executable) to /etc/update-motd.d that printed out the art.

@KevinWho It's on an Ubuntu Server server (I know, I know. I would switch but I'm a bit lazy and also downtime), so the process consisted of:
- Making some ASCII art (more accurately modifying a version of some ASCII art of Miku I tweaked to work with monospace fonts)
- Coloring it with ANSI codes.
- Removing the last login from /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Removing files in /etc/update-motd.d that cluttered the default login
- Adding my own file (shell script, make sure it's executable) to /etc/update-motd.d...

Emma :blobcatheart:

@basil interesting. My vps is running CentOS(mostly cuz it was the default my provider recommended, and I have stuff on it now so no going back, but boy it's been an experience. It's so outdated it's own default package manager repo url isn't running anymore so I had to change it.)

No idea if this will work for that but nice!

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