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Colin Devroe

I just want to pause and remark how fortunate we are for the many years of hard work by the developers of ActivityPub, Mastodon and the apps we enjoy every day.

Twitter’s downfall may have felt sudden, but Mastodon’s rise was not.

Thanks to @evan & W3C for ActivityPub, to @Gargron and all Mastodon contributors, and to the iOS and macOS developers.

- @mammoth
- @ivory
- @MonaApp
- @IceCubesApp
- Official Mastodon apps

Donate to Mastodon, donate to your instance, buy these apps.


@cdevroe Amen! And I’d like to add @woollyapp to the list of apps. :)

David Johnson :prami:

@cdevroe Agreed. So much and so many to be thankful for here. Do you have a personal favorite, or just whichever is flavor of the day? @ivory for me right now.

CautionWIP 🇨🇦 🏳️‍🌈

@cdevroe @evan @Gargron @mammoth @ivory @MonaApp @IceCubesApp Loving @MonaApp but shout out to all the other developers new & old who have helped & are helping to make this an exciting & always evolving community. Beta-test an app, give feedback, follow the fork discussions and submit requests via github! With every eye and differing vision we increase diversity & resilience!

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