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The cat who walks thru walls

@noracodes This was a wonderful read. Thank you. I was aware of most of it, but still there were a couple of eye-openers. Having been "online" since 1996 (and I know this still makes me a young 'un in the eyes of some), it's a bit sad and exasperating to see the same things happen over and over again in different technical guises: first it was the IRC network wars (and channel wars), then the rise of e-mail spam and various blocking mechanisms (and some people's refusal to use them), then web forums, blogs, lately it is one "social network" (and I use that term very widely, with apologies for some of its negative connotations) after another... At first people don't think about the social aspects, then they're taken aback at the first problems, then some leave, some quarrel, others hastily put up filters, then some malicious actor finds a way around the filters, users leave in disgust and exasperation, and years later, an archipelago forms... sometimes much too late.

nora, on the shoreless sea

@mrrmot I'm really glad you enjoyed it! It's been so interesting to hear the perspectives of folks who went through the last few cycles of (de)centralization.

The cat who walks thru walls

@noracodes FTR (I may not have made myself clear while waxing melancholic), I do believe that some of the instance operators and software developers "here" do *extremely* good work (and I know it's *extremely* hard sometimes, in various ways) so that the parts of this network that I see are actually the parts that I want to see. So here's a very wide "thank you" to dozens of people, including you!

nora, on the shoreless sea

@mrrmot Aw, thanks. I absolutely agree, the good parts of federated social media are entirely down to lots of people putting in lots of hard work, and I only occasionally dip my toe into that work. The mods and admins here at are a great example.

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