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John Ulrik

@simevidas While I find Safariā€™s behaviour more relatable for end users (how is one supposed to know that an emoji is not single character?) the spec says that maxlength is to measured in 16-bit ā€œcode unitsā€ (sigh): Even if you tried to measure in Unicode ā€œCodepointsā€ that wouldnā€™t be intuitive for anyone whoā€™s not a Unicode expert. AFAIK, the birdsite counts every emoji as a fixed number of characters (2?), independent of its technical representation.


@ujay68 @simevidas WHATWG specs are less specs, and more guidelines. Browser developers have a moral obligation to break them now and then, especially when the spec says silly things like this.

W3C specs SHOULD be respected, unless they're just a snapshot of a WHATWG spec, or you have a really compelling reason.

John Ulrik

@wizzwizz4 ā€œ is the current HTML standard. It obsoletes all other previously-published HTML specifications.ā€

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