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Classic James P.

What #Linux distro should I install on my server? #Ubuntu or #Debian?

This is a flash poll. Boosts appreciated.

Anonymous poll


Ubuntu :ubuntu:
Debian :debian:
15 people voted.
Voting ended 22 Feb 2023 at 21:09.
metallcorn 🐧


Obviously, it is always better to use Ubuntu for the server ))
- longer support time
- newer packages in the repository
- snap packages, which make it dramatically easier to install and update software. They are also very stable.

Choosing, for example, 20.04 which is already incredibly stable and getting guaranteed support and updates for years to come is great

Personally, for me the reasons to put Debian at all are questionable, unless there is a deeply personal love for a particular distribution.


Obviously, it is always better to use Ubuntu for the server ))
- longer support time
- newer packages in the repository
- snap packages, which make it dramatically easier to install and update software. They are also very stable.

Choosing, for example, 20.04 which is already incredibly stable and getting guaranteed support and updates for years to come is great

Classic James P.

@metallcorn I use Ubuntu on my VPS in the cloud, but I picked Debian as well because I saw people using it on their servers too. It supported many similar applications and worked on older hardware, and it doesn't have as much crap as Ubuntu has. But with that being said Ubuntu does have native snap. That's why I made the poll. Thanks for the suggestion!

metallcorn 🐧

@james It's just that if you want to install Nextcloud, for example, doing it via snap you do it once and that's it. All updates are seamless, automatically. And for the third year now I just use NC without having to be a "system administrator" and if something happens, you can always "roll back" to a previous version (but I have never done that).

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