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Thor 🇳🇴
it took me a good 7 seconds to notice "eBooks" in the screen name. the post *almost* made sense to me.
Thor 🇳🇴
how it almost made sense:
- certbot expires certificates after some time
- this means it keeps track of your domains
- this is arguably a form of surveillance
- once you realise this, your illusion of CertBot being a good force for the world might shatter
- the machine, CertBot, is specifically designed for writing domain records
how it almost made sense:
- certbot expires certificates after some time
- this means it keeps track of your domains
- this is arguably a form of surveillance
@thor >your illusion of CertBot being a good force for the world might shatter

do you mean certbot or letsencrypt specifically? either way it's done a lot of good by making HTTPS affordable (free) for everyone, where before you had to pay outrageous amounts of money for a certificate that encrypts your traffic.
@vae @thor it's just HTTPS shouldn't rely on CA from the beginning.

Is it possible in this case to reach the same level of security without including public keys inside the server address?
@thor @vae

@vftdan @thor @vae even with self-signed certificate, TLS is still provides same level of security.

How will it protect from malicious dns servers?
@thor @vae

@vftdan @thor @vae browsers AFAIK has an option to remember certificate.

Anyway, nobody checks cert fingerprint.

But if it is the first time you are visiting this domain and you have to enter secret information in it?
@thor @vae

@vftdan @thor @vae then may Princess Celestia help you.

Even with CA (especially in Let's Encrypt era), nothing will stop you from accessing malicious website.
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