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Swede’s Photographs

Northern Mockingbird.

My wife and I drove to Alexandria, Louisiana yesterday. My wife quilts so we had to visit Joann's and Hobby Lobby to look for fabric. While she was in Hobby Lobby, I saw this mockingbird.

"If you’ve been hearing an endless string of 10 or 15 different birds singing outside your house, you might have a Northern Mockingbird in your yard. These slender-bodied gray birds apparently pour all their color into their personalities. They sing almost endlessly, even sometimes at night, and they flagrantly harass birds that intrude on their territories, flying slowly around them or prancing toward them, legs extended, flaunting their bright white wing patches." -

Swede’s Photographs

Yea, I can’t say I disagree with that sentiment. But they do sell fabric. When quilters go hunting, they go armed with swatches. Cheers 🙂


@Dogzilla @Swede1952

I felt the same ick when I saw Hobby Lobby mentioned in the post. Can’t speak for everyone that continues to shop there but I will venture to say, many people still seem unaware of the issue, and its ripple effect. Of course, more corporations have joined Hobby Lobby since the Supreme Court ruling. Millions now rippled out of their rights.

Swede’s Photographs

@wren @Dogzilla

If we stop shopping at all establishments with politics or practices that we disagree with, we wouldn't shop anywhere.

One of the things I like about Mastodon, is people are less judgmental and don't feel the need to slyly insinuate something negative about everybody who happens to type a word that they don't like. That stuff is for Twitter. 🙂


@Swede1952 @wren I disagree. I believe what makes Mastodon better is you have the freedom to choose what content *you* receive - not that only what you (or me) deem acceptable/good/preferential is allowed on. See the link below on how to not see my posts or responses.
I will however point out that this is an very odd position to hold if you’re giving money to Hobby Lobby - a business that actively works against everyone having a voice

Swede’s Photographs

@Dogzilla @wren

You know what, you're right about one thing. Only halfway though. On Mastodon you have the freedom to choose what content you receive. But that s not what makes it unique.

Hobby Lobby also provides mass access to art materials and jobs.

Anyway, my blog is not a political forum. It's part of a hobby.

If you insist on making it political drama, please do not. As you say, you are free to received content or not. If my stopping by a store that you don't like enrages you this much, block me and be done with it.

Have a nice day. 🙂

@Dogzilla @wren

You know what, you're right about one thing. Only halfway though. On Mastodon you have the freedom to choose what content you receive. But that s not what makes it unique.

Hobby Lobby also provides mass access to art materials and jobs.

Anyway, my blog is not a political forum. It's part of a hobby.

Sharon A. Hill

@Dogzilla @Swede1952 @wren I get the concept that we can’t boycott all the “bad actors”. Unfortunately, Hobby Lobby has done SO many atrocious things across so many topics that they generate a gut reaction in many of us. I would be gleeful if they all burned down. Check out their Wikipedia page for “controversies”.

Swede’s Photographs

@idoubtit @Dogzilla @wren

Sharon please. My blog is not a political forum. If you wish to talk politics or religion take it elsewhere. Not here.

Sharon A. Hill

@Swede1952 @Dogzilla @wren My point was that Hobby Lobby is a trigger. For good reason. It really didn’t need to be a part of the story in your photo post.

Swede’s Photographs

@idoubtit @Dogzilla @wren

I'll oblige you with one last comment. Then I hope you just let this go.

It didn't need to be part of the post, but it was, and it was not hurting anybody. My personal policy is that I can write whatever I want as long as I'm not hurting anybody. It was part of a very brief story of events leading up to the discovery of a bird - of all things.

I'm well aware of issues involving Hobby Lobby. So, I don't need to be schooled.

Where I, or anybody, shop at is nobody else's concern other than passive interest. To jump on such a benign event in order to make some sort of political point, or create drama is despicable.

Equally despicable is trying to make somebody else feel or look bad because they happen to visit a place that somebody else disapproves of.

Have a good day. 🙂

@idoubtit @Dogzilla @wren

I'll oblige you with one last comment. Then I hope you just let this go.

It didn't need to be part of the post, but it was, and it was not hurting anybody. My personal policy is that I can write whatever I want as long as I'm not hurting anybody. It was part of a very brief story of events leading up to the discovery of a bird - of all things.


@Swede1952 Love these little guys. They'll also "attack" people—I've had them fly so close I could feel the brush of their wings. Pretty sure I can hold my own in a fight with a 2-oz bird, though.

Swede’s Photographs


When I worked there was one in the parking lot every year. One day there was an old Tom cat in the parking lot, the mockingbird harassed the cat until he wandered off - hilarious 😂

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