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Leigh Honeywell

Even when Twitter’s T&S infrastructure was at its most functional – which I’d say was 2021-mid 2022 – I sometimes saw appeals on content decisions, suspensions, etc. take 2-3 months unless I escalated to personal contacts at the company.

I keep seeing folks expect #moderation and community management decisions on volunteer-run fedi instances to happen in hours – not even days – and jumping to defederation when they don’t get immediate responses. It’s going to burn out so many admins, and makes me sad and worried about the sustainability and scalability of our communities.

#fediverse #fediadmin #contentmoderation #communitymanagement #mastoadmin #mastodon

Cenobyte :abunhdowohop:

@leigh So true. Definitely agree that moderation can take some time and careful judgement.
I generally only defederate instances that are a direct threat to my user base. One specific complaint wouldn’t be enough.

Alaric Aloor🐕🏎⚽️🥃



Saw this the other day and it is also, like your point, something that we all need to consider for the long term viability of this place

Leigh Honeywell

@alaric yup it’s a serious limitation of the tooling, but it’s also an evolving social dynamic that I think will exist however the tooling evolves. There will always be a set of folks who go straight to nuclear every time wrt moderation, whatever the tools allow for.


@leigh Boy, do I thank you for this. I just had a lengthy convo about this yesterday. It's just one of many structural challenges this entire concept faces. We need to focus on some of those early-on or they may all blow up at once later. Related, I mostly worry that too many think decentralized also implies ungovernable. And if that's true, that will be bad.

Leigh Honeywell

@shoq 🙏 you’re welcome - it’s hard stuff!

Patrick O'Doherty

@leigh Feels like another instance of the old "technical solutions to social problems" chestnut in that the technical solutions typically are also shinier *because they look quicker* when in fact they paper over a significant human toll that leads to long term bankruptcy.

Leigh Honeywell

@patrickod Unfortunately it turns out that the problems of content moderation in a federated ecosystem are isomorphic to the problems of coexisting in a society together 🤪

@leigh The problem is that people keep expecting to have both federation and a "safe space" simultaneously. The two are at odds with one another.
Going T. Maine

@leigh really storing desire by lots of folks to minimize the real benefits provided by money and corporate organization. Not to say that there aren’t other ways! But they also require lots of people and/or the money to pay lots of people

Going T. Maine

@leigh well, money or a commitment to small user bases


@leigh I’m not sure Twitter is the best benchmark to be using here.

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