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The most recent update to our official Android app brings the sign-up flow up-to-date with the iOS version, and allows viewing media descriptions!


@Mastodon still no federated tab, shoutout to all my ivory users doe 😳

Jennifer Wojcik

@Mastodon It can't find my account on the instance. Sigh.


@salva_pl The app is on @fdroidorg, however, we don't handle the updates over there ourselves. You can find the latest APK on our GitHub!


@Mastodon The only one reason for me to download the oficial app again lol also for see if the translations are ok


Ну где же функционал? Где кнопка перевода? Где "unlisted"? Оптимизация интерфейса? 😔 грусть-печаль...


@Mastodon why is the ALT text only shown on the timeline and not in the detailed view?!

Salih Kunduz

@Mastodon Could you please implement TalkBack actions support for toot actions? #Accessibility #Android

Shadow Heart

@Mastodon so a question about the app update. Why is it when trying to add images to posts only recent images are shown, and when selecting folders only 3 are options with no sub folder selectable or navigable?

Kyle Gast

@Mastodon I don't need the app, using Mastodon via mobile Firefox is a good enough experience for me!


@Mastodon Add a global feed viewer to the official Mastodon app. It's really missing from the app.

Tech Geek

@Mastodon whenever I click mastodon links(from other apps) it doesn't show mastodon app to open and could be openable only in browser. I'm using android 11. I also checked the mastodon open by default links settings in my android, but it's been greyed out(check the pic attached). Is there any solution or any bug fix coming up?

Also where can I report bugs like these. I'm new to mastodon(even new to social media). So any help from anyone would be helpful to me. Thanks in advance.

Tech Geek

@Mastodon Some suggestions for #mastodon :
1) Reaction for toots would help tons to express rather than filling the screen with emoji toots.
2) Since the toot character count is large. It would be nice to include an option like : read more/ read full toot
Coz that will very slightly contribute to UI betterment.

I love #mastodonapp .

Tech Geek

@Mastodon The about section of my #profile in #mastodon seems to be broken when I add a link. @Mastodon please take a look at this #mastodonbug #bug

Also anyone please tell me where exactly I can report bugs. Thanks in advance


@Mastodon It would be cool if you added the option to change usernames in an upcoming update.


@Mastodon A wonderful application, I hope that there will be a translation of publications such as Twitter

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