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@marcan Curious to know what arguments are in favor of email patches.

Modern front-ends for git servers are literally providing an equivalent feature set but more convenient.

Hector Martin

@karl "I can do patch reviews from Emacs"

Stuff like that.


@marcan @karl Well I can review github PRs from vscode πŸ˜„


@marcan @karl well, emacs is open source, so they should be able to add GitHub PR support to emacs themselves! πŸ˜‰


@marcan @karl my universal response for "but it wouldn't work in emacs" is "well then, fix emacs yourself, it's Free Software, you know, you're a capable programmer" in much the same vein that they argue whenever anyone else has an issue with free software. Ugh.

Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@marcan @karl I use Emacs. There are GitHub, GitLab, Pagure, Phabricator, and Gerrit clients for Emacs. You don't *have* to suffer through email for just that.

Alyssa Rosenzweig πŸ’œ

@marcan @karl

I do GitLab patch reviews from vim, e-mail style... it annoys other devs sometimes but it's far better for everyone than e-mail πŸ˜…


@marcan I haven't checked, but I'm sure there are some plug-ins out there that make emacs work with github/gitlab and friends.

If the other "reasons" given are of the same kind, it sounds to me like a disingenuous excuse to not change a workflow they have gotten used to. I am not impressed.


@karl @marcan All of which are individually incompatible and non-standard, complicating #interoperability.

#Email isn't amazing for sharing code, but neither are Github-style pull-requests.

We need something better than either of those two.

The centralized #API-driven workflow of #Github clones is also problematic because of what it does to #git as a #distributed system and its lack of resilience.


@karl @marcan A large part of that is entirely #git's fault, because #FossilSCM has no such problem (it has different ones instead mostly from its focus on cathedral development...).

Git's design insistence on carrying none of the other project metadata and tooling required for its use is a problem.

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