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Wren Reilly

I’m very good at cracking but I can support security;

I know that it is bollocks if you seek it with obscurity
In short, in matters cryptographic, analog and digital,

I am the very model of a hacker individual.

Wren Reilly

You hired a consultant who says industry needs "four point O"

Well that was a big mistake 
and now because of me you know
I'll hack your company so bad you'll lose your golden parachute 

and though I'm proud I will not brag
 my hacks are hard to attribute

I can open any doors with tumblers or RFID

I've got root and have the keys to all your cryptocurrency
I can sing your servers dead by reaching a high decibel

No matter where I log in from, I’m guaranteed to pop a shell

Wren Reilly

I know our hacker history from Ada to the Admiral,

If I ever leave a trace at most it is ephemeral,

If you like flights that go to space thank Johnson, Vaughan and Jackson too,

Jerry Lawson for the console that plays games, yes more than two!
What are you even doing if your team is all cis not trans
And who wired up these tubes? That would be our furry friends.

In short, in matters cryptographic, analog and digital,
there’s more than just one way to be a hacker individual.

I know our hacker history from Ada to the Admiral,

If I ever leave a trace at most it is ephemeral,

If you like flights that go to space thank Johnson, Vaughan and Jackson too,

Jerry Lawson for the console that plays games, yes more than two!
What are you even doing if your team is all cis not trans
And who wired up these tubes? That would be our furry friends.

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

@akareilly I look forward to re-favouriting all the stuff I favourited before 😂

Wren Reilly


🎶 The patience of admins can be fleeting 🎶

🎶 you must move before the instance’s yeeting 🎶

it’s easy to bring followers to this host

🎶 but the thing that annoys the most

is having to re-post

🎶 a little bit of shitposting repeating 🎶

Gary E. Walker

@akareilly @Aphrodite I love this so much I am not even going to fix the scansion.

Wren Reilly

@gewalker @Aphrodite

I’m curious how you’d do this, since I changed it after singing it with the sheet music in front of me. It has more verses to accommodate the diversity in STEM section.

Gary E. Walker

@akareilly @Aphrodite I really didn’t want to nitpick, especially the cis-and-trans and furry lines. I’m just finding it tough to find a reading that sings well. However I _don’t_ have the score in front of me and may well be wrong. Regardless I do ❤️it. Literal chat I just had.

Gary E. Walker

@akareilly @Aphrodite if you really want me to take a crack at it I will, but writing good patter songs is _hard_.

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