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@derPUPE ich brauche das T-shirt. Wo gibt es das? 😂


@derPUPE wo gibt es das? Ich nulle auch mal wieder. 😵‍💫


@derPUPE I often think the same while feeling much younger

Yo Mismo :kali_linux_g:

@escamoteur @derPUPE except when you try to do things you were able to do before, and now you realize that you are not that agile any more. 🙁


@derPUPE When my mother was 89 just a few months before she passed on she was complaining about all the old people in her neighbourhood.


@Ulrich_the_Elder @derPUPE my mother as well... ("alles nur alte Leute da, was soll ich da? " sie war Ende 80)

Susanne Doering

@msur @Ulrich_the_Elder @derPUPE Like my own mom - she had a look at some nice homes for the elderly, when she was 80, but did not want to live with all these old people. Only when she was 93 she had to move in somewhere, and often complained how boring the other inhabitants were.


@msur @Ulrich_the_Elder @derPUPE so war meine Uroma auch: ich geh doch nicht ins Altersheim, da sind ja nur alte Leute - da war sie 98


@BuggsMcGhee @derPUPE Not everyone who dies creates a sense of loss. Sometimes it is refreshing and invigorating. My relationship with my mother was interesting. But thanks for caring.


@derPUPE für alle, die wissen wollen wo es das Shirt gibt:


James C

@derPUPE Found the shirt I want for my 40th

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Old is only for those who allow their thinking to go stale.


@derPUPE Damn right it is. But my old ass did 4 miles today at just under 9:40 a mile. Take that old knees!


@derPUPE surely it’s your mental age that counts? So I’m still a teenager 😜

Angshu Chatterjee

@derPUPE I need that tee!! May be a few of them just for back up for the remaining years

RiversideBryan 🏳️‍🌈

@derPUPE I love this shirt! While equally feeling attacked by it! 🥴


@derPUPE Ich sehe einen faltenfreien Hals und Oberarme ohne Bingo Wings. Du brauchst dir noch keine Sorgen zu machen. 😉

@derPUPE wusste ja nicht wie aktiv du auf dieser webseite mit 9 witzen bist.


@derPUPE Need one. People around me are getting older. Then I looked in the mirror

Isa Mubiru

@derPUPE we need support follow us on

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom

@derPUPE: Irgendwie muss ich bei dem T-Shirt sofort an #Wireshark denken. Und an diesen Aufkleber auf meinem Dienst-Laptop. #deformationprofessionelle

Kann aber durchaus auch bei dem Text auf Deinem T-Shirt mitfühlen. 🧔

Ein an den Rändern schon etwas mitgenommener Aufkleber in den typischen Wireshark-Farbcodierungen mit folgendem Text:

  62 PCAPs
  56 OR IT
 117 DIDN'T
Kevin Cunniffe

@derPUPE I turned 64 last month and still wonder when I will be a grown up

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