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Tim W

@sugarcheri I don't know precisely what @stux is subtooting in this thread, if anything, but sure, I agree that Fediblock is, in fact, a recommendation, not a mandate.

The subtext I read is that Stux is getting pressure from someone to block some bad actor, or this third party will block I understand the unhappiness about this, and that this third party may be communicating it poorly, but ultimately, just like Stux' position, it's their right to take their position.


@tw @sugarcheri Basically we handle a 'simple policy' on that part; if content is dangerous/harmful or illegal we block and remove it but when 'we don't like' an instance admin or isntance for example it's up the the users themselfs

As long as it's not harmful, thats the most important. People should be safe on there and also make decision in a safe area

Tim W

@sugarcheri @stux If that subtext is all in my head, then my apologies.


@tw @sugarcheri no need to apologize :cat_hug_triangle:

Tim W

@sugarcheri @stux (I also mostly don't agree with "threaten to or block an instance just for them not blocking one other instance" - but there is an argument for "this instance explicitly never blocks anyone" being a red flag, as is "this instance knowingly/actively interacts a lot with bad actors and refuses to block them". But it's definitely more complicated / nuanced than "your blocklist must match mine" IMO.)


@tw @stux Tim, you nailed it imo. The "your block list must match mine" is authoritarian and cult-like behavior. If someone is openly posting Nazi-sympathizing content then it would be great for us to be made aware of it so we can choose to block (or not). However -- barring extreme circumstances -- ultimately who we block needs to remain a personal choice, or we risk becoming what we believe to be fighting against 💕

Eric J. Korpela

@tw @sugarcheri @stux I'm on an instance that doesn't block unless there is a complaint. I think your statement is misunderstanding about how federation works. You are making many assumptions, the main one is that the organizers of block lists don't have agendas of their own. I mean by that logic I should be inundated with Nazis and racists. I don't think I have ever seen a post from an obvious Nazi, and most of the racists I have personally blocked have been on Gargon instances which are immune from fediblock listing anyway. Even if I go to the federated feed I don't see these things you claim I should be seeing. And if I did, I'd block them.

Fediblock seems to be largely a list of decisions users or admins could make themselves, combined with ego trips by the organizers. (Asking for due process is harassment. Disagreement is harassment. Providing evidence that an alleged event did not occur is harassment. Getting angry for being treated badly is harassment.)

So yes, the instance I'm on its blocked by some instances because I might have a chance of seeing something I have never seen. Pretty scary.

@tw @sugarcheri @stux I'm on an instance that doesn't block unless there is a complaint. I think your statement is misunderstanding about how federation works. You are making many assumptions, the main one is that the organizers of block lists don't have agendas of their own. I mean by that logic I should be inundated with Nazis and racists. I don't think I have ever seen a post from an obvious Nazi, and most of the racists I have personally blocked have been on Gargon instances which are immune...


@tw @stux Yes, I kinda get the same impression after reading your reply now. Good point. I'm sure Stux and other mods have more to deal with than most of us even realize.

Btw I think I feel like you -- Fediblock is a terrific tool but even a good tool can be abused. If we all blocked everyone that was posted on Fediblock, none of us would be having any conversations at all! That said, is a pretty large instance. I should think any mod who dares to block it will find that backfires.


@sugarcheri @tw @stux Every good & useful tool can be abused & manipulated by people with evil intentions. That's just a given. We can help keep each other safe by giving heads up to our own networks on problematic & abusive folks.

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