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Jeromy Lukenbaugh

@BalooUriza I just saw this post when I woke up earlier and have already submitted an issue via their github to get it added.

Baloo Uriza

@jeromyokc About the only reason I haven't asked them to upgrade Tulsa Social to reflect the Masto server covenant is because right now it's a one-man show and I haven't yet had a need for more staff.

Unless my hosting provider counts as having control? I dunno...

Jeromy Lukenbaugh

@BalooUriza right now my partner has access to this account in case of emergency. I think I've found maybe someone else who can help admin this. Other admins have mentioned signing an agreement with another admin to cross-admin in case of emergency. I'm not sure about that just yet but maybe in the future.

Jeromy Lukenbaugh

@BalooUriza I've outlined the need to keep it online for at least 3 months and have the funds to support that. right now it's self supporting so really it could keep running and the bills would get automatically paid. Will need to get moderation handled and a second admin at some point that would have access to the financials

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