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Leigh Honeywell

Sierra just wants to point out that it might be bedtime where you are 😴 or maybe just time to stop posting, as the meme goes.


@leigh adorable. how's that "getting anything done" going?

Alan Langford

@leigh What is this "time to stop posting" of which you speak?

Kluthulhu' XOR 1=1--

@leigh but ... but ... if I stop posting, the keyboard'll get cold 😿

Kluthulhu' XOR 1=1--

@leigh wait, I was under the impression (small sample size of 1) that cats like the warmth of laptops and that's why they lay on and around them? 🐱

Eric Pierce

@leigh whatever that furbaby wants! 😻


Ir'a a denial of service attack. But a nice one.

Frau BlΓΌcher

Or early morning work time... 😽

Gemma πŸ‘½

@leigh actually it’s morning in my timeline, and I should hit the shower and get to work, but TBH I’d much rather just cuddle in bed with a kitty like that, if I had that choice… 😻


@leigh I should have such kind of an hand warmer in the office! πŸ˜…


@leigh It's 2ΒΎ hours past my bedtime πŸ˜”


@leigh thank you for this adorable and genuinely useful reminder

Arch Koder

@leigh me sleeping on keyboard knowing my boss is on holiday

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