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mekka okereke :verified:

"OK, when Black dads are present, they're involved. But too many Black dads are just not there! Why aren't they there?"

In the US, a Black man has a 1 in 4 chance of going to jail. Most likely for "drug use," even though white folk do more drugs. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Most Black dads incarcerated have not even been convicted of any crime. They're "awaiting trial," and are too poor to afford bail. You can be waiting for trial for *years*.

mekka okereke :verified:

Just being falsely arrested will likely cause you to lose your job, and can prevent you from applying for a new one.

The mother of your child will likely need to apply for public assistance while you are locked up. The state will give her financial assistance... and then bill you.😮

You will rack up debt to the state *while you are in jail!*. You will be in "child support arrears."

mekka okereke :verified:

Most of the time, this is not what the mother wants. Her partner has just been falsely arrested and so can't help with bills. She needs to make rent or she'll be evicted. She applies for assistance not to punish her partner, but to not be homeless with the children.

Even if you are innocent, you've just gone from being an employed, present Black dad...

To a dead beat dad, with warrants for his arrest for failure to pay child support, who can't even apply for many jobs due to the first arrest.

mekka okereke :verified:

Some of you will remember that Walter Scott was shot in the back while running from police. But do you know why he was running?

If your definition of "stability in the household" revolves around marital status or cohabitation, rather than this systemic racism minefield presented to the parents, I urge you to reflect on that.

I mean, half of y'all's parents are divorced. 🤷🏿‍♂️ That's clearly not the issue.

Some of you will remember that Walter Scott was shot in the back while running from police. But do you know why he was running?

If your definition of "stability in the household" revolves around marital status or cohabitation, rather than this systemic racism minefield presented to the parents, I urge you to reflect on that.

mekka okereke :verified:

Another comparison is white Europeans, who don't face this racism minefield.

4 out of 10 EU kids are born to unmarried parents. In France, closer to 6 / 10. Lower the marriage rate, the more men participate in childcare!👍🏿♥️

We call them "progressive."

mekka okereke :verified:

So this is where most of the Black dads are: in jail for unjust arrests. A human rights atrocity committed at a genocidal scale. Millions of dads.

But how do some Black kids in this situation manage to overcome this and get good grades anyway? Many factors, but an important one: Black teachers.♥️👍🏿

School in the US is fantastically racist too. A racist teacher cannot teach a Black student effectively. Even teachers that don't think that they're racist, do this:

So this is where most of the Black dads are: in jail for unjust arrests. A human rights atrocity committed at a genocidal scale. Millions of dads.

But how do some Black kids in this situation manage to overcome this and get good grades anyway? Many factors, but an important one: Black teachers.♥️👍🏿

mekka okereke :verified:

This can be countered by Black teachers. ♥️👍🏿

Black students randomly assigned to at least one Black teacher in grades K-3 are 9 percentage points (13%) more likely to graduate from high school and 6 percentage points (19%) more likely to enroll in college than their same-school, same-race peers.

White kids can benefit from this too, and aren't harmed by it. Black kids from privilege benefit a little. Black boys from underprivileged backgrounds benefit the most.

This can be countered by Black teachers. ♥️👍🏿

Black students randomly assigned to at least one Black teacher in grades K-3 are 9 percentage points (13%) more likely to graduate from high school and 6 percentage points (19%) more likely to enroll in college than their same-school, same-race peers.

mekka okereke :verified:

People looking to minimize the impacts of racism, believe that Black teachers help through the "role model effect." That's part of it but not the whole story.

There are few enough Black teachers in this country, that we can literally ask a good portion of them what's really happening. It's not just the role model effect. Teachers are shielding Black kids from racism.

Until they can't anymore...

mekka okereke :verified: replied to mekka okereke :verified:

The typical education experience for a Black boy in the United States, is to have almost all white teachers, mostly women, more than half of whom vote for the most racist candidate on any ballot, and no Black teachers. The teachers have low expectations of you, punish you more than your classmates, and threaten to call the cop who works in the hallway on you at any moment.

I don't know how to explain more clearly, that this is never going to work.

mekka okereke :verified: replied to mekka okereke :verified:

I'm not surprised that Black US kids don't perform as well as white US kids, or as well as Nigerian, Ghanaian, Kenyan, or Caribbean kids. I'm surprised that any Black kids make it through this hellish gauntlet at all.

When you look at how much the US pays to educate each student, and how poorly it does at Black educational achievement, it's clear that the US is the worst country in the world at educating Black students, by far. Because racism. No one spends more to achieve less.

mekka okereke :verified: replied to mekka okereke :verified:

Once you understand white US history instead of Black history, you'll understand why the following interventions will do much more to improve US Black educational achievement than most of the nonsense we're trying today:

• Bail reform
• Fire racist teachers, including the Bill Cosbys
• Retain anti-racist Black, white, AAPI, Latinx teachers
• Get rid of school cops
• Provide all students free lunch. And breakfast. And afternoon snack.
• Transfer police budget to school budget. Bring back art.

mekka okereke :verified: replied to mekka okereke :verified:

Black people know this, and racists know this. The only people that don't know this, are most non-racist Americans. 🤷🏿‍♂️

I know that racists know this, because if you invert all of these interventions that work to reduce school racism, you have just written a near perfect racist political platform:

• End bail reform
• Keep racist teachers
• Fire anti-racist Black, white, AAPI, Latinx teachers
• Place more cops in schools
• End free lunch programs
• Increase police budgets
• Defund art education

Black people know this, and racists know this. The only people that don't know this, are most non-racist Americans. 🤷🏿‍♂️

I know that racists know this, because if you invert all of these interventions that work to reduce school racism, you have just written a near perfect racist political platform:

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