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Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Dear basically everyone: please stop telling me to "go to Discord for the full info". Especially you #GameDev, changelogs and important info shouldn't be hidden behind a chat room that requires a login.

Rusty Corgi

@gamingonlinux It baffles me how many people think Discord is a one-size-fits-all solution for everything. It's not. It's not a changelog, it's not a forum, it's not a download page for new releases. Stop treating it like one.


@gamingonlinux I ignore anything that requires Discord these days. They don't allow me to login without giving an actual, valid phone number to 'verify' me. My Discord account is locked because I refuse to provide it. You have my email address and password, you do NOT need my phone number 🤦‍♂️

Kat the Leopardess

@gamingonlinux No kidding. I mean, I know some people like quantity over quantity, so they will appreciate the Discord member numbers which are bloated. To be clear, I'm talking about bloat from those that join the Discord out of necessity of getting that info, and then never do anything on that Discord but lurk.

Alfred R. Baudisch

@gamingonlinux everytime I see: "check more on Discord/join our Discord for support" I lose interest immediately.


@gamingonlinux Clone Hero frustrated me so much with this. I love Clone Hero but until recently the build on their website was very out of date and to get all thew new features you had to get their playable test build from their Discord.

WFL :ms_bisexual_triangles: ++

@gamingonlinux hard agree on this.

Discord has a lot of usefulness, especially with forums now being a thing, but as a static info repo it's being wasted.. Especially given that it's not search indexable.


@gamingonlinux It’s like only having a Facebook page or WhatsApp group chat. It’s never a great idea to expect people to sign up to a proprietary social network for them to get all the information.

ArnoWI 🇧🇪🇪🇺🇺🇦🇵🇸

I suppose Discord is the new Facebook.

"we don't need a website, just check our facebook page..."
Well, 🖕

Michael T Babcock

@gamingonlinux totally agreed. Change logs, news and announcements of all kinds should be on #websites # for all to see easily.
I'm equally annoyed by posting these in forums that aren't indexed by Google.
Do you want to have live conversations with your users on #Discord? That's fine. Please have a proper bug tracking submissions system online too though.
#gaming #softwareDevelopment

Kevin Brill

@gamingonlinux Given what is currently happening when you leverage another proprietary platform for a majority of your PR (*cough*Twitter*cough*), you'd think that companies would start to evaluate the tooling that they use to communicate and connect with their users.

I've seen several instances of companies not wanting official discords because of "the difficulty of moderation".

Maybe a blog and phpbb that you manage aren't so bad?

Anꞇóin Ó B.

I give it 50/50 odds that before the end of the year we'll have "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite store on the Citadel" snowcloned via deepfake into "I'm Prince Andrew and Discord is my favourite software on the internet."

Maybe with a "Greetings fellow Discord mods!" follow up if backwards baseball cap wearing generator technology continues to advance at it's current rate.


@gamingonlinux I think it should be ethical to scrape these servers announcments and support channels to make them easily available and indexable on the internet...
Even better, that should be the project owners/maintainers job, if they won't maintain other communication/information channels.


@gamingonlinux Plus it adds to notification hell. I do not need a system level notification every time one of these random instances changes a rule.


@gamingonlinux 100%. I have tried using the app several times and always find it a very trashy app for what it does. Afaict it’s worse than IRC, and IRC is free and open standard. What’s the point of using something that’s proprietary/locked down while not offering anything compelling over existing free standard.


@gamingonlinux I hate that I have an entire folder of servers in Discord labeled "Just for News"

Trey Boyer :ffxivmsq_comp:

@gamingonlinux THANK YOU. I cannot stand the insistence on using Discord as the sole platform for disseminating information about a game/website/service/whatever. Don't treat it as a given that I have an account.

Can we bring back blogs for stuff like this?


@gamingonlinux also don’t use discord as your support site/knowledge base.


@gamingonlinux indeed. I plan on documenting changelogs in a public wiki, if I can ever get the time to learn c++

ezra :verif_androgine:

@gamingonlinux especially when they have a 100 guild limit :blobcatupsidedown:

Jasmine Vidalia


Discord is somehow worse than having to subscribe to Nintendo Power to beat the game.

taste of taboo

@gamingonlinux every generation needs its worst ever UI/UX. It feels like using Excel for Graphic Design.

Matt :fatpikachu:

@gamingonlinux it's 2023 and they're making us login, sign up, and choose a role just to read "bug fixes and performance improvements"


@gamingonlinux There's one project I know of that has their own website which tells you to go to their Discord to download the project, only to have the download link be a hidden page on their site.

Roger BW 😷

@gamingonlinux and can't be usefully backed up and can go away at any moment and datamines your every click

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