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28 comments | Expand all CWs

@julialuna i have to object to the placement of micro-b, it's just so annoyingly flimsy

i like πŸ“ a normal amount


<---- the joke -----

your head


@julialuna wait lmao

its still before noon okay

i like πŸ“ a normal amount

this is only about connectors btw and does not reflect my opinion on the clusterfuck that is usbc


@julialuna "Are kidding me" tier: using USB-A on both ends (looking at you, 2x2 USB switch and HDD bay...)

i like πŸ“ a normal amount

@dfyx let's see what wikipedia has to say about this... uh huh, looks about right


@julialuna I know! Yet there are still two devices on my desk that use it because I just couldn't find an affordable alternative that does it right.

Doko Gorilla


Yep I seriously don't know why micro USB was so popular when the vast majority of the time the cables AND ports were sooooo prone to breakage compared to mini USB (or at least the most commonly used mini one, which is the only one in C here--mini-B).

I guess it was all about the power delivery but the connector reliability and durability went waaaay down. Just musing at this point though.


@julialuna I un-ironically like micro-B. It’s such a ridiculous connector.


@julialuna they were listed without images, i was linking somewhere you could see images


@julialuna oh god it took me 5 minutes and looking at the other post to figure the joke out.

delta :akko_bean: :verified_gay: it took me like a solid minute to realise


@julialuna wait isn't that one with the two things eSATA

Shyra :flagQueerVillainPride:

@julialuna @shyra can’t wait for USB Type-S

It’ll have mandatory racing stripes on the connector


@julialuna so much for "universal!"


@julialuna serial ports were the true S-tier


@julialuna for real the fact that there are so many things called USB type B was the worst when working retail electronics

Athena L.M.

@julialuna it's true

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