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Chris Marquardt

„Sheep make good candidates for agrivoltaics because they are efficient foragers, keeping weeds off solar panels, and are small enough to pass under the panels […] The findings strongly suggest that solar power centres should be designed with a partner animal species in mind“

Nobody's Fool

@chrismarquardt @alanthwaits sheep and goats are curiously also helpful for maintaining tree canopies in parkland and along roads, where they keep the understory & brush under control. Also pretty good for maple producers, for the same reasons (tho' maintenance of tubing is an issue there)

#sheep #goats #ClimateChange #GreenSolutions #synergies #OpenSpace

Chris Marquardt

@nobodysfool @alanthwaits I've also heard of certain sheep breeds being put in vinyards because they love to eat some of the lower leaves that would otherwise have to be hand-plucked by humans to improve the harvest.


@chrismarquardt doesn't it make sense to... put the solar panels on land that's too crappy for agriculture? Like former industrial sites, scrubland, along highways & train lines, etc?

Chris Marquardt

@DarcMoughty AFAIK some crops actually benefit from the partial shade that panels provide. Also (and this is purely speculation) it'll then be on accessible land as opposed to be on some wasteland where it might have a higher likelyhood to fall to vandalism.



Small enough to pass under the panels? Yes! Especially if you position the panels high enough for them to pass under!

In further news, most humans are small enough to pass thru doorways. 😀

Darwin Woodka

@chrismarquardt oooh what if we designed EVERYTHING with a partner animal species in mind?

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