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@hbuchel @baldur when it comes to js frameworks I am in fact negative and a hater but that probably has a heck of a lot to do with the dynamics you've just described. Tech went out of its way to paint the front end as inferior, not really programming, just markup, and every other dog whistle for "for girls," and then needed to masculinize it with a frathouse atmosphere and layers of needless complexity in order to justify higher comp for men. Same old song, different key.

Heather Buchel

@Annalee @baldur 100% this. It was an area of the web that women were already succeeding in, so now it has to become "the easy part, the 'just making it look nice' part, the part that pays less". And now of course people are circling back because they've realized their applications are awful because they have poor performance, are STILL hard to maintain, and have shitty UX/accessibility.

The Other Brook

@hbuchel @Annalee @baldur As a man who used to manage front end dev teams, I... well, I agree 100%.

The amount of arrogant fuckwittery I spent my days fending off so my diverse team could just do excellent HTML, CSS, and JS work that supported the company's business goals instead of playing yobbish ego coder games was insane. And it was always the women on my team who were seen as suspect even though they were doing the best work. Argh. I should take my blood pressure meds now.

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