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Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

So I've been building a 100% analog polyphonic synthesizer with an unique twist. To use only vacuum tube era technology from the 1930s.

Over 300 neon gas diodes create the sound you hear. Pretty awesome for technology from 100 years ago.

Still a work-in-progress, but I wanted to post a video of it with the innards spread out across the workbench. : }

I call it the "Neon String Machine"


@AceArsenault how can something be using tech from the 1930s, yet sound like it's from a mournful future that hasn't happened yet?

Honestly, the sound this thing makes is beautiful.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@animerrillproductions Thanks! : ]

Yeah it's all 100 year old tech. I even used Bakelite boards and point to point hand wiring to stay authentic to the vintage electronics art form.

All the basic ideas where there 100 years ago. Oscillators, Filters, Signal mixing, etc. It just took a while before engineers started to really know how to use them.


@AceArsenault @animerrillproductions This sounds to be about six note polyphonic. How many vacuum tubes are you using, and are you still using solid-state components around them?

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@elsemusic @animerrillproductions

Hey ElseMusic. : ]

It's 72 note full polyphone.

Each note has it's own oscillator and envelope generator.

C1(32hz) up to B6(1,975hz).

There is a function to start decaying unpressed keys faster, as notes start adding up.

There is no solid-state anything used in this circuit. It's 100% Vacuum tube technology.

It consist of over 300 cold cathode discharge diodes, 2 power tubes and 1 audio tube. (Rectifier, Regulator, Audio Impedance Amp Triodes)

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@elsemusic @animerrillproductions
Thank you.

I can't tell if I'm a genius, or just a really creative dumb person.

Most likely a bit of both for working with vacuum tubes in 2023. : P

Ross B from the oaty sea

@AceArsenault @elsemusic @animerrillproductions Hmmโ€ฆ some of the best HiFi amplifiers use valves/tubes (depending on where you're from). Here's one such analog system for a mere $30k aussie dollars.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@rwba @elsemusic @animerrillproductions

I know! It's crazy how expensive some of that new Tube gear costs!

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@Fred_S_at @elsemusic @animerrillproductions

Glad you asked. : ]

Each note has a small trimmer to set it's rough pitch (+/- 400cents). Each oscillator's gas diode has been modified into an indirect electrostatic coupled Thyratron (wire wrap).

The note an octave above syncs the octave below it.

C5(523hz) syncs C4(261hz),
C4(261hz) syncs C3(130hz).
etc etc.

All oscillators are DC biased 105volts +/- 0.1 volts regardless of line voltage. Glass diodes are light/photon biased too for stability!

@Fred_S_at @elsemusic @animerrillproductions

Glad you asked. : ]

Each note has a small trimmer to set it's rough pitch (+/- 400cents). Each oscillator's gas diode has been modified into an indirect electrostatic coupled Thyratron (wire wrap).

The note an octave above syncs the octave below it.

C5(523hz) syncs C4(261hz),
C4(261hz) syncs C3(130hz).
etc etc.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@parityflux @Fred_S_at @elsemusic @animerrillproductions

Thank you. : ]
At some point I'll build an enclosure for it and wire up the full 72 note keyboard. C1 (32hz) to B6 (1,975hz)

Fred_S_at (main) replied to Fred_S_at

@AceArsenault @parityflux @elsemusic @animerrillproductions

A (the) source for sound technicians and sound engineers.
Unfortunately only in German, but there are several sites where you can translate it. -->


@AceArsenault @parityflux @elsemusic @animerrillproductions

A (the) source for sound technicians and sound engineers.
Unfortunately only in German, but there are several sites where you can translate it. -->

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@elsemusic @animerrillproductions Oh , also might be a little confusing in the video, Because on the workbench I only got 6 pitches jumpered together.

C, D, Eb, F, G, Bb

The other six pitches (C#, E, F#, Gb, A, B) are in a box under the desk.

Between the 5 packs of jumpers, I didn't have enough jumper wires to connect up all 12 boards for the demo. : P


@futurebird - home-made analogue synthesiser goodness in parent post!

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@coprolite9000 @futurebird

Thank you. I spent a lot of time optimizing and fine tuning the sound. : ]

It was a process of optimization, how to get the biggest thick sound out of the least amount of electronic components.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@North That was the face I made too when I first pressed the keys. : ]

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@subwoofer Thank you. : ]

It was a labor of love designing and building this thing.

A lot of engineering challenges too!

Fat Old Anarchist

@AceArsenault fantastic. Mind-blowing. Just wow. What an idea & what a sound!!!!

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@fat_old_anarchist Thank you for the kind words. : ]

I'm a big fan of vintage electronic analog sounds.

Doesn't get much more analog then vacuum tubes!

Fat Old Anarchist

@AceArsenault I've got analogue guitar combo - there's nothing better than tubes' sound !

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@fat_old_anarchist I agree!

I'm a tube fan myself.
When I play guitar it's always thru a nice tube amp. When I have to Direct In, I try to use a tube preamp, Like a 12AX7 to get that drive and saturation. : ]

Fat Old Anarchist

@AceArsenault this is the one I use - I love its full tone...

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@fat_old_anarchist Nice! : D looks like a great amp. Bet it sounds great too.

Fat Old Anarchist

@AceArsenault it does. Neighbours beg to differ, though... :-D

Fat Old Anarchist

@AceArsenault lucky you! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚

Ross B from the oaty sea

@AceArsenault Extremely cool Andrew. I enjoyed that little demo. Well done.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@irwindev Thanks. : ]

Many hours of soldering and experimentation went into this one!

Irwin DeVries

@AceArsenault No doubt! The heart you put into it shines through.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault


It's a labor of love, that's for sure!
So many days of working on this in the afternoon and seeing the sun come up 16 hours later!

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@aparrish Thanks Allison. : ]

It took a really long time to build and design. So I'm happy you like it! : D

Mike McCaffrey :pdx_badge:

@AceArsenault If you ever travel back in time to 1930, you are going to blow their minds.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@mikemccaffrey It's true. If you showed this to anyone in 1930. It would have rocked their world!

There is always a lag of ideas behind the technology.

The technology can be available, but the cultural mindset hasn't caught up yet.

It makes me wonder if there are things like that today.


@AceArsenault Oh, there are.

In fact, writing as someone who tends to enjoy that "no man's land" of the bleeding edge, it can feel REALLY WEIRD when something that used to be extremely fringe becomes more mainstream.

So much so that I have more than once, found myself abandoning something(s) I used to really enjoy because: I enjoy the thing(s), not throngs of people.




Fascinating. I definitely need to get back to finishing my "100% digital analog clock", built primarily out of 74-series TTL logic, with an unwholesomely elaborate arrangement of neon lamps to indicate the time.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@publius Nice! I got a weak spot in my heart for those TTL 74xx series ICs.

I started out on those chips and even remember the part numbers of the first two dozen or so to this day

7400 - Quad two input NAND
7401 - Quad two input NAND open collector
7402 - Quad two input NOR... etc etc

Basically how I spent most of my teenage years. Wiring those together. : ]

Ian K Tindale :pleroma:
@AceArsenault @publius I destroyed almost all the 74 series I came into contact with as a youngster โ€“ I didnโ€™t have a stable 5V source so I thought any old voltage I could get from batteries would do, after all, 9V is a bit like 5V surely
Grandalf ๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ฉ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜™


That is an amazing sound, and amazing work. Well bloody done. It always gives me a happy to see folk using old-school tech.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@aenesidemusoz Thanks Grandalf. : ]

Vacuum tubes is about as old-school as you can get for active components. : ] Designing with them is a lost art!


@AceArsenault Great to see and hear! Do you have any issues with the neon oscillators changing pitch with changes in ambient light? I once maintained an automatic error correcting system for telex messages that used neon lamps as logic gates. Each one of them had a torch globe mounted next to it to maintain a consistent triggering voltage.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault


Yes, They are light sensitive ambient light can shift them up and down a good +/- 30 cents.

The way I got around that is not much different then what Telex was doing.

"Light biasing"

Each stabilized neon oscillator has a light bias (another neon bulb mounted next to it)

The stray ambient photons is what actually triggers off the avalanching ion charge between the cathode and anode. : ]

In complete darkness, gas diodes go into Geiger operation. (xray avalanche)


Yes, They are light sensitive ambient light can shift them up and down a good +/- 30 cents.

The way I got around that is not much different then what Telex was doing.

"Light biasing"

Each stabilized neon oscillator has a light bias (another neon bulb mounted next to it)

The stray ambient photons is what actually triggers off the avalanching ion charge between the cathode and anode. : ]


@AceArsenault Unreal this is amazingly beautiful ๐Ÿ‚ thank U

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@Runsinthewind Glad you liked it! : D

It does have a beautiful sound.

Ruediger Gad

@AceArsenault that's super great. Thanks for sharing. :)
How is your experience with the longevity of the tubes? With so many tubes, do you need to replace some frequently? (Reason for the question is that I heard that tubes would have a shorter lifetime than, e g., transistors. But I really don't know much about that.)

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault


So yeah, the neon gas diodes do have a lifespan to them.

It's proportional to their current draw.

So I designed everything to run ultra low currents to prolong their life.

It should outlive me. : ]

Part of the reason for going with neon diodes is they have no filament, So they don't burn out like a lightbulb does. which is the biggest failure point with traditional heated cathode vacuum tubes.

Ether Diver

@AceArsenault this thing is gods damned incredible. Don't know how you feel about reddit but I know the r/synthesizers community would love to see this thing.


@AceArsenault is there a video? (Canโ€™t see one in this thread)


@AceArsenault Is there a module for transposition? I noticed the keys played half-tone-lowered notes.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@240185 You got a good Ear.

Yes. There is a central uniform pitch control and individual temperament controls for each 12 tones.

It was about -115 cents flat when I recorded the video. Didn't think anyone would pick up on it though. Since I wasn't playing with other instruments. : P

Phil Ashby: :marmite:, UBI now

@AceArsenault As someone who grew up playing with valve tape decks (they make excellent guitar amps, with built in echo unit ๐ŸŽธ), an electronics degree and a retired software / architecture guy.. you just blew me away ๐Ÿ’ฃ๐Ÿ™ thank you!

Where did you acquire the arcane knowledge to create this beauty may I ask?

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

Thanks for the kind words. : ]

I got deep into electronics as a young 25 years ago. Started with TTL gates, then went into 8bit microcontrollers, then CPUs boards, then FPGAs...

at which some point did a complete 180 and studied the black art of Analog circuits and some how ended up working with Gas discharge Diodes, Thyratrons and Triodes.

I just felt like analog design was a lost art. So I jumped into it head on. : ]


@AceArsenault @RussSharek
I wonder if you could explain what they were missing in the 1930s and why they didnโ€™t do more of this back then?

Because Iโ€™m not an engineer and very much donโ€™t understand the difference between early synthesizers like the and the ondes Martenot and this (I just know the names)

It is amazing and magical and I wish understood more

Simon Campbell

@AceArsenault Canโ€™t listen right now but I am sure itโ€™s going to sound awesome!


@PhilRudland @AceArsenault
I agree. That looks and sounds incredible. Well done, indeed. I'm truly impressed.

Roni Laukkarinen

@AceArsenault I love this as a synthwave artist. I just use presets and it always blows my mind when I see the actual design behind the sounds. Hardware is a whole another league. You are a real talent. Thanks for sharing.


@AceArsenault if that sound gets any warmer it would be lava :) epic work . and you can keep your tea warm at the same time :D .impressed

Ralf Lenz, BOFH Emeritus ๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ

@AceArsenault@fosstodon.orgThis is really cool.

I say that for two reasons:

one, vintage tech is awesome, and the fact that you could do this and have it come out sounding that unique and with enjoyable timbre is ... something i look forward to reading a post in the future that some high-level musician used it to record with.

two, the frequency of me actually playing through a video i see on the internet is about 1 every 3 months. I'm actually saving this one to hear on my home system.

Joe Muscara/Joe Stone

@AceArsenault This is too cool. Iโ€™d like to share this with my friends on the Keyboard Corner, but you are welcome to create your own account there and do it yourself. Many of us have engineering or technical backgrounds so you might get a lot of interest. Check it out if you like

Elaine Will

@AceArsenault 100% would buy an album made with this ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคค


@AceArsenault wow that is wild! Itโ€™s kinda like EVHโ€™s oberheim with a slower attack and a delightful warble. Maybe do a cover of Jump and call it 1934? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sarah Gordon

@AceArsenault Listening to that recording over headphones was goosebump enduring. What an incredible sound.

Cris ร“dio do Bem


Dude! Chill out! You're gonna accellerate climate change with such warmth!!

Arnim Sommer ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ

Playing mostly string instruments, I misread โ€žNylon String Machineโ€œ, and now I don't know eitherโ€ฆ

Mike Torr

@AceArsenault This is wonderful! What waveforms do the oscillators make? Any plans for filters? How do you do the key assignment without a microcontroller? I'm in awe.

Pascal ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

I always wondered what the MIDI Tubular Bells look like in reality.
Amazing project. ๐Ÿ‘

Simon Pride

@AceArsenault is the slow attack here a choice, or a limitation of the switching speed of the underlying components? Sounds glorious, by the way.

Made in DNA

@AceArsenault I absolutely love it. It is the sound of my fiction in my head.

Simon Pride

@AceArsenault and do you think the serial divide-down architecture gives different timbres to the โ€œall at onceโ€ architecture of the first string synths?

Miles Goodhew

@AceArsenault I shamefully thought I might see then glowing ๐Ÿ˜”

Scott McLaughlin

@AceArsenault thatโ€™s really wonderful, and a great sound.

Iโ€™m curious about the build process (and Iโ€™m not an engineer). Was it a case of completely designing one note and then replicating 71 times, or is there a cutoff point where you need different components for higher/lower pitches?


@AceArsenault this is incredibly nerdy and i love it! -- a physicist.


@AceArsenault Itโ€™s like a lost chapter from Neil Stephensonโ€™s Cryptonomicon.

Tayo ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

The keyboard that requires a multimeter and oscilloscope is my favorite one.๐Ÿ‘


@AceArsenault That's awesome! Would love to get ahold of some samples of this synth.

Love tube synths!

โ„ฆ ๐ŸŒ Gus Posey

@AceArsenault What would be involved in producing a full-length version of Barber's Adagio for Strings using your instrument? (Um, also Bron Yr Aur by Led Zeppelin.)

[Really beautiful work.]


@AceArsenault what an amazing instrument, and what a lot of time and attention must have gone into the design and construction. Keep up the good work,


@AceArsenault I don't know about neon gas diodes, but I worked on many ships with vacuum tube technology in the late 1960's and 1970's. They were used in many systems, including radars, radios and navigation systems.


@EthanHolmes Did you see this? Seems like something you'd appreciate.


@AceArsenault If you had built this and it sounded terrible, it would still be a remarkable project. The fact that it sounds this good is stunning. Great job!


@AceArsenault I dig the heck out of this. Has a bit of the Hammond Novachord sound to it (now that was an instrument that predated a genre that suited it by like 50 years.) Was that your inspiration?

Inc Hulk

@AceArsenault I love the sound! Any chance you could have a go at playing the Dr Who theme? That special sound should be very interesting I think.


@AceArsenault Damn, look at all that musical madness! Mine just has six strings and you've got strings everywhere. Haha. Seriously, you've got a skill set I appreciate a lot here, making instruments. ๐Ÿ˜



โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘พ where can I get one? ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜…


@AceArsenault It's got such an interesting and unique sound to it! All those fascinating little wobbles and buzzesโ€ฆ

Dulanyheimer in IMAX

@AceArsenault Super cool! What's the power consumption on this like? Small room heater?

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