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Devine Lu Linvega

@toon Have you seen the Jibaro episode on Love, Death and Robots?

Jonathon Toon

@neauoire I've been meaning to check out that show. Sounds like I should?

Devine Lu Linvega

@toon I don't know about the rest of the show, but I'd start with that one episode for certain.


@neauoire @toon The whole series is a mix of a few excellent inspired episodes on one hand, and too uninspired edgy stuff for my tastes on the other. But from what I remember all of them present impressive technical mastery of 3D/animation so I get why it's successful. I stopped after one and half seasons, and haven't watched it since.

Devine Lu Linvega

@thomasorus @toon I don't have netflix, I've only just watched the Jibaro episode and it blew me away


@neauoire @toon Just checked and it looks superb, will watch it later.

the harbinger of eternal sept

@thomasorus @neauoire @toon a super random fact.

i was working at netflix when love, death, and robots came out. my friend was working on an experiment that had the first season episodes in four different orders, which came out super controversially in the news when a journalist interpreted it as targeted personalization.


@toon That was really great! Thank you for sharing

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