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Cyber Yuki

@Lowie What I never understood was how the heck could the alien grow from rat size to giant monster in just a few hours - especially when there weren't any food sources around.

ElleDawgg (She/Her)


Welllllll….as an alien myself….I can tell you that…..oh wait….not supposed to say. Sorry! 😬😎👽


@Lowie One of these days I need to sit down and actually watch one of the Alien movies


@LibertyForward1 @Lowie

One and Two are best. But Two is even better if you've watched One. 😉

Justin Hebert :mastodon:

@Lowie I enjoy the implication that Jonesy could have ended the whole mess early on but, being a cat, chose not to bother.

Mark Hughes

@Lowie My dog wishes to complain about the inaccuracy of this portrayal and and point out that there *was* a cat in the first movie and it not only didn't catch the alien but... SPOILER.

Well you'll just have to watch if you don't know.

ElleDawgg (She/Her)


I know. This is pure ‘cat’ propaganda. Obviously originally from a cat. But this is how they are….the little jerks.
Also, dogs don’t complain because they are good people…. Not like cats. Prolly just politely pointed out the obvious 🤣🤣🤣


@Lowie perhaps it wouldn't have been too short, I can see Jonsey playing with the poor little thing and taking his time too. And leaving it on Ripley's bunk or something.

Inhabitant of Carcosa :emacs:

@Lowie Jonesey is the real protagonist of they franchise.

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