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(λ. borkdude)

In emacs, if you want to hack on an "extension", which are just a bunch of elisp files, you open them and evaluate your changes, that's it. It's a live environment. How is this in other editors like vim? If you want this in VSCode:

#clojure #vsjoyride

Simon Brooke

@borkdude that's the nature of a Lisp environment. In #InterLisp, you could refer to a function you hadn't written yet, run your code until it broke, and from the break have it pop open an editor with the signature of your function. You could also inspect the values of the arguments passed. You could then write the function and continue the computation.

That's amazingly powerful. >>>

Simon Brooke

@borkdude similarly if your code broke with an error, you could edit the function on the stack to correct the error, and continue the computation. There is no 2020s programming environment I know of which matches that level of productivity.

It's like we've gone back to the stone age.

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