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🎏 Glitch

If you've made a app using the Twitter API, there's no doubt that their announcement of ending free API access will impact you – we're just not sure how yet and are following along with you all to find out what this will look like.

That means there's no better time than right now to use the apps that made Twitter a community-built experience, like @Luca's, before API support goes away.

🎏 Glitch

Bad news aside – we're really excited about the fediverse and being on here with you all. We've already seen immense amounts of creativity and tooling built on Glitch to grow this community. We can't wait to share, learn and educate with the community in this exciting space. More to come here very soon!

🎏 Glitch

By the way, in conclusion, hence, relatedly...we're so so proud of Fastly's Fast Forward program for its support of the Mastodon project among so many other great open source projects!

You can read more about that work in this interview with @anildash

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