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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Just installed @elementary on my laptop.

The installation was a breeze, an excellent experience, way ahead of anything other Linux distros have to offer. (save for maybe using plain Gparted as a partition manager, looks out of place. Maybe, roll your own someday, guys?)

And fresh after install, the system looks VERY polished, and the run-once onboarding app was nice.

Let's see how it holds up this time.

But I'm still kinda "meh" on using an almost a year-old package base, having landed myself on Manjaro on the desktop which is a little bit more dynamic.

1 comment
Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@drq bUt WhY dO yOu CaRiNg AbOuT PaCkAgE bAsE, aReN't FaTpAcKs tHe FuTuRe oF lInUx??1?1? :tone_sarcasm:

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