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SportsPuck Appreciation Stel

OK, so that was a first-round interview that I nailed. I'm usually good at first-rounds but I feel like I really knocked this one out of the park.

Now I have less than an hour before the next one, though, cuz we went way over.

SportsPuck Appreciation Stel

Not looking forward to this next one because the recruiter team sent a lot of prep info and I didn't take advantage of it and it looks like stuff I don't have at the front of my brain. :welp:

This is the company that asked me why I wasn't working for most of 2020. I am not terribly enamored of them, especially in comparison to other places I've been interviewing. I'll make myself do it anyway. Heck.

Darius Kazemi

@stelepami if someone asked why I wasn't working for most of 2020 my gut reaction would be "take one fucking guess"

SportsPuck Appreciation Stel

@darius Exactly.

And if for some reason a global pandemic isn't enough of an explanation: I live in Minneapolis.

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