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Mitsunee | 光音

@gamingonlinux yeah because stopping to ship the files that make anticheat work is definitely unintentional?


@gamingonlinux well, they definitely seem salty about something.

Tangerine Pulsar

@gamingonlinux Calling you out by name does nothing to help make their point, which exposes the real intent: They are just calling you out and the rest is fluff. If you haven't banned them yet I'm sure they'll make themselves known soon enough so you are able to. This kind of tactic is classic troll behavior. "It was just the first example that came to mind" but the example doesn't help support the argument, ergo the example is the argument


@gamingonlinux /r/gaming regulars really like to base their responses purely off the title, and then assume what the contents are. I see this kind of stuff way too often.

Jigme Datse

@gamingonlinux Hanlon's Razor does come into effect, but I've not seen a huge amount of evidence to suggest that you are "very quick to pretend that breakage is malicious". I have seen, "really fucking sucks" enough that someone might think that it's the same thing.

It does suck. There have been some games I want to play on my Linux box, that I've not managed to be able to. One, I think it's "anti-cheat" making it not work. And another... For some reason mods don't work (not a need).

Deurman@fosstodon $ :idle:

I might be the contrariant here, but I feel his point (aside from the dig at you ig) is pretty valid. To me it doesn't necessarily read as excusing the situation, but rather giving a (possible) explanation for it. And I think he has a point. I think most AAA don't really QA test for Linux, though I think that that is starting to shift.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@deurman Sounds like you read a completely different comment, all that comment is doing is being a complete dick towards me and how I write

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

"434 upvotes" and this is why Reddit was a mistake.

Paul Tansom 🔶🇬🇧🇪🇺🇺🇦

@gamingonlinux I've kept a safe distance from Reddit for so many years now, and having recently relented and created an account (some software seems to use it as a support channel) I don't regret that decision. The headline makes you want to read more, so what did they do to break things? Compared to newspaper headlines I've read it is spot on.


@gamingonlinux I wonder how many of those are real upvotes. I once had the suspicion that there is a lot of voter bots, so I created my own subreddit. Made two posts, ten fake accounts. One post I just gave up ores, the other just downvotes. The next day the post with up votes suddenly reached 100+ up votes and the one with downvotes was around 50 downvotes.

No comments, no other posts on the subreddit.

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