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Charlie Stross

Oh dear Cthulhu …

"Someone asked an AI art tool to make a sign language manual, in case you think we'll all be out of a job soon":

Sean Eric Fagan

@cstross How do signers adapt when they have missing or extra fingers?


@cstross I'll learn it after I learn Ukrainian

Avram Grumer 🎲

@cstross I especially like the one in the upper-left corner, that looks like a guy with a hand for a head.

Michael Gemar

@cstross I’m delighted though that it is literally our embodied hands, our effectors in the real world, which are a shibboleth for AI. If you want to know if some image was created by a biological human, look at the hands.

The Evil Microwizard

@cstross That dude in the middle right appears to have started bleeding from his nose. I suspect there are one or more cognitohazards present...

BRB gotta get some tissues /j 😅

Paul van den Bergen

@publius @evilmicrowizard @cstross Bottom right hand corner is "The Silence" presumably...


@publius I can't stop thinking about motivation hazard. Would that be like: "Danger! Induces existenstial crisis!"?

Perfused with Signs

@cstross Hook that AI up to a 3-D printer, and let the Great Old Ones stalk the earth once more!

kravietz 🦇


Here’s the image to save everyone a Twitter click…

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