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m4iler :debian: :verified_paw:

@selea God damn, I'm going full Stallman, aren't I?

(not with the good ideas, just the mad shit)

LukeAlmighty 🇨🇿

What do I need to smoke to get to the right side of this picture?

My class is Brendan Eich Paladin

@selea i started as top left, have migrated to top right. :stallman:

sudo apt install social media

@selea Shoot. I know I'm top left but in my mind, I'm bottom left.

>9p nerd
>autism diagnosis
>go fanboy
Guess I got a little bit of each.

@selea I am the boring and mediocre kind in big tech companies who work under 996 schedule

The Skylark 🏳️‍⚧️

@selea flip the two sides and this is a political compass meme


@selea I really want to be the guy with pink and white stockings but I feel that I am stuck in a mix of the other 3 😢.

Steve Lord

@selea top right is the final form of bottom left. Tbh bottom right is often the final form for top left, too.


I'm apparently multi-classing, explains why my level progress is so slow.Does the TL guy have four pens without a pocket protector? LARPer!
Mr. Hide :helltaker_justice:
@selea excluding bottom right and this isnt a choice, its a timeline
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