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Prof Kemi FG


This is a great article, but I wonder if it's missing a key piece of analysis. The article points out: "...when police escalate force—using weapons, tear gas, mass arrests and other tools to make protesters do what the police want—those efforts can often go wrong, creating the very violence that force was meant to prevent."

My immediate thought is that the police don't WANT to "prevent" violence, they want to CAUSE violence, and thus the provocation of protests isn't an accident or misunderstanding. It's deliberate cop policy.

#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #police #politics

Ces Felber

@KFuentesGeorge @mekkaokereke
When the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, every problem needs to look like a nail. else to justify huge budgets to buy all those cool man-toys?


@KFuentesGeorge @mekkaokereke exactly right and there's plenty of footage from 2020 and emails and text messages produced in discovery in civil cases against the police for excessive use of force that show exactly this. How else will they get an opportunity to use those military grade toys they buy?


@KFuentesGeorge I agree. Aggressive police behaviour is often the cause of violence as people react to being attacked. The resulting chaos then allows the police to claim they are simply restoring order. Surprising how many people believe this fiction.

Maisie Pubblechook, Esq.

@KFuentesGeorge @mekkaokereke Richard Daley, Chicago, 1968: "The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder."

Prof Kemi FG


That's a great quote. I'm going to cite it for sure.

Andrew Singleton

@KFuentesGeorge @mekkaokereke Provoke a reaction from a few. Claim that as justification for further escilations. Especially against groups that seek to shine a light on the corruption. See also the BLM protests.


@KFuentesGeorge @mekkaokereke Truer word was never spoken, sir! It's well known that the police seed protests with agents provocateurs, who incite people to violence. The police see the people angry, in open revolt against them, and fear that their power is slipping away. They're LOOKING for an excuse to beat the holy bejesus out of some Black and brown people for holding them accountable for the murder of TyreNichols.

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