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Phillip Winn

@aelman @palafo @davidtoddmccarty @jaredwhite @davew right, they don’t know, which is why it’s important to tell them.

This thread is ludicrous. Dave is right.

Dave Winer ☕️ replied to Phillip

@pwinn @aelman @palafo @davidtoddmccarty @jaredwhite

ignore the cynics. they never did anything useful but they sure do try to get in the way.

Adam Elman replied to Dave Winer ☕️

@davew @pwinn @aelman @palafo @davidtoddmccarty @jaredwhite FWIW, I’m not trying to get in the way, I just think that framing this as "you're using the word wrong” when most everyone else (and most dictionaries) use the word that way is a losing battle and is counter-productive. I *do* think it’s worth fighting the real fight, which is (as Dave said in another post): the web should belong to no-one.

Dave Winer ☕️ replied to Adam

@aelman @pwinn @palafo @davidtoddmccarty @jaredwhite

we have work to do here. you are definitely getting in the way.

podcasting is the same as the web.

what you all are saying is that just by grabbing it spotify now owns it.

1. you're wrong

2. and who cares

we have work to do. this is a pointless worthless time-wasting discussion.

Jared White replied to Adam

@aelman @davew @pwinn @palafo @davidtoddmccarty I mean, I'm happy to agree with you that

> framing this as "you're using the word wrong”

is a good point. However, my contention would be that that's not my original framing. My original framing was to call out **journalists in the news** for refraining from calling out corporations who are abusing the term for their own gain. Big difference there.

Adam Elman replied to Jared

@jaredwhite @davew my argument (and I swear this is my last comment on this, because I said I’d shut up) is that those corporations are not “abusing the term for their own gain” - they're using the term CORRECTLY as it is popularly understood, but they’re engaging in a business practice that we think violates the spirit of the web. Arguing the semantics feels like a losing strategy to win a critical battle here. But TBH I don’t have a better one, so I’ll shut up.

Patrick LaForge replied to Jared

@jaredwhite @aelman @davew @pwinn @davidtoddmccarty I think a podcast with a paywall is still a podcast, in English. Would I pay for a podcast service? I give money to MaxFun, Relay and others. I am glad they don’t twist my arm. But there are many ways to raise revenue to support content. They can all coexist. It is up to the users

Jared White replied to Patrick

@palafo @aelman @davew @pwinn @davidtoddmccarty Again, not the issue. I 100% agree with you that a podcast with a paywall is still a podcast…

…as long as that podcast is provided via a unique URL which serves an RSS feed which can be loaded into my player (Pocket Casts).

I actually subscribe to several membership podcasts behind a paywall, and this is exactly how it works! If exclusive shows from Apple, Spotify, and any others worked in this manner, there'd be no further debate necessary.

Patrick LaForge replied to Jared

@jaredwhite @aelman @davew @pwinn @davidtoddmccarty I prefer that as well and hope there is enough user pressure so that remains the standard. I do worry about fragmentation or companies breaking the open network. The ecosystem also seems overly reliant on the “free” Apple directory.

Patrick LaForge replied to Dave Winer ☕️

@davew @aelman @pwinn @davidtoddmccarty @jaredwhite I agree with Dave. I think the web can flourish regardless of what various corporations do. They can’t buy the whole market.

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