@jaredwhite @epilanthanomai @talios the whole ecosystem grew on the directory of iTunes which Apple left open to anyone to use … if there hasn’t been this centralized database which is still one of the main sources for many podcast players the whole thing never would have happened. So corporate America made it happen in a sense … but in reality it’s a silly discussion as the ones about “what is the real format of music … live, vinyl, radio, cds or streaming”
@derfrankie @jaredwhite @epilanthanomai iTunes support definitely leapfrogged things into the non-tech world for sure - but along side RSS don't forget we had OMPL for sharing distribution lists.
I think I added OPML support to Norrell back the day but I basically ended dev work on that when jPodder came out (and then iTunes).
Tho I was still one of the first to have automated download, integrated playback, and cross platform. I really should kept improving the app rather than switching.