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James Cridland

@muhkayoh @mshaw @jaredwhite I'd also suggest that the initial post from Jared was written very combatively, from the "Read My Lips" kick-off. Make a point, yes, but don't make it while being rude and inconsiderate, and best not to denigrate an entire profession while you do it. That's not really the best plan if you're trying to change the world.

Matt Jordan replied to James Cridland

@jamescridland @mshaw @jaredwhite

I see your bio says "passionate about audio." Could that passion be causing you to project a little?

Bozo Shaw replied to James Cridland

@jamescridland @muhkayoh @jaredwhite I see, thanks for clarifying. To be honest this strikes me as a shockingly low tolerance threshold, especially for someone in the profession of journalism (my mother the retired science museum curator gets more heated in discussing her birding newsletter), but I appreciate your honesty.

James Cridland replied to Bozo

@mshaw @muhkayoh @jaredwhite Thanks for your unsolicited thoughts on whether I should or shouldn't have just rolled over when someone tells me to "do my damn job". I think I'll go with my own thoughts on the matter, though! :)

Joshua replied to James Cridland

@jamescridland @mshaw @muhkayoh @jaredwhite maybe you should be looking into a career that's less public facing, if this discussion about technology terminology is upsetting you so much

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