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Camiel Hirschberg

@jaredwhite What i still don't get is that Apple goes "hey, please use our podcast app" but then it can't even sync listening progress between devices, that's so dumb

Jerry Goldbaum

@iwamoto @jaredwhite Been using Apple Podcasts app for years and with my HomePod devices. No issues with sync.

Camiel Hirschberg

@JNGold @jaredwhite maybe it's a policy on my phone (company phone) but when i play something on my phone and open the app on my mac, it has no clue where i left off. so this isn't expected behaviour?

Jerry Goldbaum

@iwamoto i can’t speak to the macOS app but I can say I have no issues with iPhone and iPads, Apple TV, and HomePods.

Jerry Goldbaum

@iwamoto @jaredwhite If your iPhone is a work phone, are you using your personal iCloud and iTunes accounts on that device. All OS require to be on the same accounts in order for sync to work across devices.

Camiel Hirschberg

@JNGold @jaredwhite yeah a lot of stuff works fine with keychain sharing etc, but i know one of our policies also blocks icloud photo backup, so i wouldn't be surprised if it gets blocked by some policy, just good to know it wasn't an Apple oversight :)

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