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No, I will not join a Discord to get info that should be available on a website.


No, Discord threads are not an adequate substitute for forums. And how hard is it to make an About or FAQ page?

Laura Sophia

@dallin I tend to agree. However, the legal implications of hosting a forum nowadays and the need for immediate moderation makes it hardly an option for most people and make Discord a seemingly good alternative.

I don't like it, but I don't know of a better alternative either.


@dallin oh, but they *have* made a FAQ page!'s the first open channel in the discord, whether they intended it to be, or not.

And those frequently asked questions get asked, *frequently*.

Because it's unsearchable.

And it will itch at them. A constant trickle of people joining, asking the same questions, then leaving once they've got their answers...

The1goit :v1:

@dallin discord might also have forums, but having a dedicated forum platform is good for it's own things, such as less of a barrier of entry or easier to find something specific.

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