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@hyrulian @samir I could ask what aren't you using from Google? ^^'
I mean I use almost all of google not the browser though, I use Opera.

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@zerodime @hyrulian @samir I use Translate, and their search as a last resort. I have a Feedburner account but that was from before Google bought it.
I donʼt use Google for email (Zoho since 2010), do my word processing in WordPerfect, self-hosted blogging with Wordpress. Not sure what else they offer but Iʼm mostly Google-free.


@samir @zerodime Let’s see…

- Firefox (browser)
- Bing (search)
- Microsoft 365 (cloud storage and documents)
- Hotmail (email, but also have stuff on Gmail)

There’s probably other stuff I use that could be considered an alternative to Google stuff and not remembering off the top of my head…

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