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Urban Hermit

@bekieark @samir Google is the Walmartinization of the internet. We only have what the majority looks for, nothing else.

1 comment
Arek Bekiersz

@Urban_Hermit It is a pity that the #Google algorithms, among them #PageRank and #HITS, which were the primary building block of Page & Brin's #IT empire, are now reduced to a mere cherry scent on big, commercial, ad-based #ML revenue-generating cake 😒

We were using these algorithms during our #graphTheory lectures, as simple, yet surprizingly powerful #networkAnalysis tools.

@Urban_Hermit It is a pity that the #Google algorithms, among them #PageRank and #HITS, which were the primary building block of Page & Brin's #IT empire, are now reduced to a mere cherry scent on big, commercial, ad-based #ML revenue-generating cake 😒

We were using these algorithms during our #graphTheory lectures, as simple, yet surprizingly powerful #networkAnalysis tools.

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