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@samir misfire on the cookie notices. That is due to GDPR and the California version CCPA, not Google analytics specifically. Any type of technology that uses cookies and is used on EU or CA residents requires that notice.

Zeppelin Blanc

@Archnemysis @samir that is not true. If the website sets only login cookies you do not need to have the notice.

If you’re setting cookies for anything else that is not required for your website to function you have to add the notice.

You can pick the analytics provider that does not use cookies to track page views.

Max Riethmuller (TechLife)

@Archnemysis @samir fair point but google is responsible for a lot of the cookies. If there was no notice, you'd get the cookies and have no choice in it (unless you used other software to prevent cookies of course). Google don't want you to be notified.

Badly-optimised primate

@Archnemysis @samir the gdpr is a result of tracking and data harvesting abuse by many actors, but Google was the driving force behind the trend for cookie-based analytics, so...


@Archnemysis @samir cookies notices are not to do with gdpr, but the ePrivacy Directive, which is eventually going to be replaced by the ePrivacy Regulation, when they get their act together (as it is just over 4 years late now).

The cookie part of ePR is intended to get rid of all those cookie warnings, as they will expect browsers to implement controls, and sites to then make use of them.

LN :anarchoheart3:

@Archnemysis I'm sick of people parroting this misinformation. No, you don't need a "cookie notice" if you use cookies. You need consent for specific things you may want to do with cookies but the cookies are an implementation detail. Specifically, tracking requires consent and Google ads and analytics are an example of that.



@alan ok, had the OP framed it as “an example of that” instead of it all being Google’s fault, then you would have a point. But people asked for prior consent, they want opt-in not just opt-out. So it seems very disingenuous to blame cookie notices on Google.

LN :anarchoheart3:

@Archnemysis the need for upfront permissions is entirely due to behavioral tracking, which is part of the ad model that Google popularized. Ultimately this led to the cesspit that is Facebook &c but they pretty much paved the road. Without this original sin there would have been less need to formalize data processing consent as the GDPR was drafted in reaction to this binary choice between letting companies abuse users' data and breaking the modern web.

It's less of a specific criticism of Google and more of a criticism of the abusive culture it is part of and it helped foster.

@Archnemysis the need for upfront permissions is entirely due to behavioral tracking, which is part of the ad model that Google popularized. Ultimately this led to the cesspit that is Facebook &c but they pretty much paved the road. Without this original sin there would have been less need to formalize data processing consent as the GDPR was drafted in reaction to this binary choice between letting companies abuse users' data and breaking the modern web.

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