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John Hunter

@RD4Anarchy @samir

I think you are arguing against the false claims about capitalism. From the link I included:

"The idea that businesses would try to suppress the free market (by gaining power that suppress competition) is not some new brilliant idea. At the creation of capitalist thought this was an obvious flaw in the practical application of free markets recognized by all. The government role was to assure that the market stayed very close to perfect competition...

Adam Smith, in..."

1 comment
John Hunter

@RD4Anarchy @samir

Related: Political and Corporate Cronyism are not Capitalism
"Pushing a political desire that anti-government and calling it capitalism doesn’t make it so. Capitalism at the core is about a system that allows markets to efficiently allocate resources to provide the greatest societal good. It is based on markets working. Capitalists know market players will try to prevent markets from working to gain themselves. To support #capitalism you need to...

@RD4Anarchy @samir

Related: Political and Corporate Cronyism are not Capitalism
"Pushing a political desire that anti-government and calling it capitalism doesn’t make it so. Capitalism at the core is about a system that allows markets to efficiently allocate resources to provide the greatest societal good. It is based on markets working. Capitalists know market players will try to prevent markets from...

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