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Meredith Whittaker

Climate change is already threatening the data centers required to power large scale tech, like "AI".

Or, accounting for climate we see a tech future that's patchier & less always-on + ubiquitous, NOT larger and more powerful.

This doesn't mean that those with power to shape and control tech will themselves grow less powerful. But it does mean that the colloquial Moore's law fantasies of tech, particularly popular in "AI", will face a series of hard stops. @mel_hogan

1 comment
Nadia/Надя/नाडिया/娜迪亚/ نادية

@Mer__edith @mel_hogan

It might degrade the quality & performance of new parts more than shut things down in itself, but some materials used to build computers (hafnium noted in the article) are dwindling:

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