We love your idea, but re read the letter. These are collaborators in a silicon valley cartel, who profitteer (note we don't use the word 'salary') at a rate of $300,000 per year!
@RyunoKi 4 comments
@RyunoKi That and the hashtag (#)dotcons. @RyunoKi Twas a joint effort, made in a brainstorming session in September-ish last year. Prior to that we were using CAGEFAM. The acronym can be further embellished but it gets a bit awkward to read. Eg. NOCAGEMAFIA (+ #netFlix, #oracle = nasty bigdata based surveillance networks) |
I did.
The 🤡 meant that the text wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
That being said I believe that there are companies that would act in this way.
But nowhere near the size of G-MAFIA.
(short for Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, IBM and Apple).