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clay shentrup 🌐🚲

@mav @GossiTheDog maximizing shareholder profits is what we want them to do. that maximizes GDP. You then deal with distributional effects via subsidy, primarily UBI. it's a common fallacy of the progressive left to confuse productivity effects and distributional effects.

mav :happy_blob:

@cshentrup @GossiTheDog This is how we end up with catastrophic global climate change and no one willing to do anything about it.

Endless profit for profit's sake is psychopathic.

mav :happy_blob:

@cshentrup @GossiTheDog And if you think UBI will ever happen in the United States you have completely lost touch with any kind of reality.

mav :happy_blob:

@cshentrup @GossiTheDog I wonder if there's a comprehensive list of all of the times either a company directly or a company via a government has - overturned an elected government, massacred a people, destroyed some kind of huge environmental resource, etc. just to maximize shareholder profit.

The mistake that "liberals" make is believing that there's any way of compromising with people like that. That's not a thing. You can't compromise with a group of people who are literally willing to murder and pillage to increase profit.

@cshentrup @GossiTheDog I wonder if there's a comprehensive list of all of the times either a company directly or a company via a government has - overturned an elected government, massacred a people, destroyed some kind of huge environmental resource, etc. just to maximize shareholder profit.

The mistake that "liberals" make is believing that there's any way of compromising with people like that. That's not a thing. You can't compromise with a group of people who are literally willing to murder...

clay shentrup 🌐🚲

@mav @GossiTheDog we obviously want to address market failures. That is not a "compromise".

mav :happy_blob:

@cshentrup @GossiTheDog
Describing horrors as "market failure" is disgusting.

Serious question: when someone you don't know dies, do you feel anything?

clay shentrup 🌐🚲 replied to mav

@mav @GossiTheDog No it's not disgusting, it's just basic public policy. everything just has a cost in terms of net utility to society. we can indeed compare human lives to dollars because we can save a human life for a certain amount of money. You can't be serious about working on public policy if you can't understand this.

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