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samir, irgendwo

@caoilte I broadly agree with you. It seems to me that the core of it is people believing the capitalism is the goal, rather than one of several means.

Of course, this belief is put there by those who benefit from it (hi, Murdoch), who are using the reach afforded to them by capitalism. So perhaps it was always inevitable.

Caoilte O'Connor

@samir It's a very liberal sensibility to suppose that if we could just tweak capitalism a little bit everything would be okay and our privilege would be preserved. But it's getting harder and harder to pretend that we could even tweak capitalism a little bit and since the alternatives are too scary to think about we're paralysed in confusion.


@samir @caoilte

Samir, curious about your answers:

What is “the goal”?

When, where and how did the world do capitalism without it trending toward corruption and monopoly?

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