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Robert Reich

Moderna is planning to charge $130 for its COVID vaccine, but the vaccine only costs $2.85 to make.

Meanwhile, over the last two years, the company made over $19 billion in profits off the vaccine.

Folks, this is what corporate greed looks like.


@rbreich I’m glad I didn’t get the Moderna vaccine. I wonder if Pfizer is going to be as greedy.


@rbreich Please show a reference, Robert Reich.


@rbreich Big pharma are allowed to advertise prescription medication on TV and other media in the USA. This is not allowed in many other countries because it increases the cost of goods produced. It must pay off for the drug companies otherwise they would not do it. It costs the consumer dearly in inflated drug costs, however.

Andrew Miller

@rbreich medical companies are some of the most greedy, least compassionate bastards there are.


No, this is what government #failure looks like.

#Moderna succeeded with US taxpayer dollars through #NIH.

Government health #policies don't exist to protect citizens from such companies.

Companies will continue to make maximum profit for #shareholders using current rules. It isn't a #charity.


@rbreich GREED is destroying America. 🇺🇸💔🥀


@rbreich @jrdepriest until we return to eating the rich, this will never change.

Adrian ☑️

@rbreich this entire thing reminds me of "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"


@rbreich This is so incredibly gross, but not surprising when you consider that we have a similar cost vs price scale for life-saving insulin. America is exceptionally corrupt.


@rbreich fucking Rishi Sunak that cunt.


@rbreich This is an affront to Dolly Parton, who helped pay for the damn thing!

Big Head Tales

@rbreich Remind me who paid for their research in the first place?

*|FNAME|* 327.46ppm 🌎 🇨🇦

@rbreich let’s also not forget that the vaccine was developed with the assistance of billions of dollars of government cash, where’s the ROI for the taxpayer?

Violet Housekid

@rbreich Can we reach out to Dolly Parton for commentary on this?


Covid changes faster than vaccine. What is the point

Midwest Grandma

@rbreich I wish I could care as much as I should, but it is on my list. Grandma needs to run for Congress.

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@rbreich Is that the basic material cost‽ Does it factor in paying for licenses, research & development, payroll, marketing, etcetera‽

Mike But Slightly Frosty ❄️⛄

@darnell @rbreich R&D was subsidized by the federal government. Much of marketing was too. Even if you'd assume they needing a 10x margin to cover that and profits, they are far and away above that.

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@mikey @rbreich If that is the case then the public was shielded from the true cost of the vaccine. The US government also provided guaranteed orders as well.

Yes, it was an emergency period of time, but we were not paying the market price for the product (not even close).

It reminds me of when I received vaccines from the government as a kid. Cost was hundreds of dollars, but the government made it practically free.

Mike But Slightly Frosty ❄️⛄

@darnell @rbreich It's a common situation in medical research. It's often done by universities, with at least partial government grants. But the final product patents are given to the companies managing the research, even if they didn't provide the majority funding, or the people or expertise.

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@mikey @rbreich If that is the case, why does the government not provide stipulations about future pricing as a condition of receiving the grants‽

Then again, I think the same thing plays out in other industries as well (green technology, artificial intelligence, energy technology, space technology, etcetera).

Mike But Slightly Frosty ❄️⛄

@darnell @rbreich These are very good questions, and the answers usually boil down to the people with the money are the ones with the access and so the ones with the voices. Government wants research for public good. When they ask what needs to happen next, the ones with the seats at the table are often the pharma execs who say "if you don't let us rake in money we'll have to stop doing this" and so they let them have it.

Raven Onthill

@mikey @darnell @rbreich "why does the government not provide stipulations about future pricing as a condition of receiving the grants‽ "

Because for decades now, the pharmaceutical industry has owned Congress. That is also why Medicare does not negotiate drug prices. (One could say a lot more, but that is the basic reason.)

Mikołaj Hołysz

@rbreich What percentage of that price goes towards profit, and what percentage goes towards recouping for the CapEx costs, particularly the *billions* of dollars spend on unnecessary, overly complicated, bureaucratic, regulatory approval processes? What percentage of the price goes towards recouping the development costs of other drugs that didn’t end up working as intended, and so were never sold? The OpEx costs and the price says nothing about the real underlying cost structure

xaph but smaller 🐁

@miki @rbreich you mean the CapEx cost covered by the $billions paid to Moderna from governments worldwide to fast track the research and regulatory approval? they gonna be paying that back?


@rbreich pharma companies should have their profits capped and all excess should be diverted into health care.

Regal Rachel 🌈💖🏳️‍⚧️⚧



Where did you find this? This is the first I’ve heard of this.



@RachelMR @rbreich they've been talking about it in some corners of the press since late last year.

It's a staggering corporate gouge, but it's nothing new. Neither is the political response. Bernie and just a few others. That's it.


@RachelMR @rbreich first I heard about it late last year was on the Majority Report on one of their pods. They do 5 multiple hour pods a week so I cannot find it, but they've mentioned it a few times.

I think I've seen a few others YouTube clips from the likes of TYT and maybe Kyle Kusilinksi (sp?) Talking about it.

But that's about it. It's barely been discussed by anyone.

Gruss Gott

That'll be $500 please

But all you did to fix it was hit the engine with a hammer, took you no more than 1 minute!

Exactly, I charge $120/hour + the service fee

So I only owe you $2 then!

Yes, for the labor; and a $498 service fee for knowing where & how to hit with the hammer.


@rbreich No, that’s what corrupt, incompetent, misguided governments look like.


@rbreich so what can we do? I voted dem and I need the vaccine? What do we do, Mr Reich?

Don Watkins

@rbreich And it was developed with taxpayer $$$

Psychic Tides

@rbreich I’m sorry but weren’t you the secretary of labor for a president who didn’t pass public health care?

WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot 🙈🙉🙊

Corporate greed is an oxymoron, this is how it is supposed to work, it's literally written in their charter to maximize profits.

Shame on us for allowing such preadotory actions to continue with just a nod for decades.. What chance of reform when 150Million people voted in the US Presidential election for the grifting to continue and 600k voted Green to change things.

The vast majority of Voters dont want it changed, you can tell by how they vote, they just to be able to exploit others for thier own greed, so it will continue.

Corporate greed is an oxymoron, this is how it is supposed to work, it's literally written in their charter to maximize profits.

Shame on us for allowing such preadotory actions to continue with just a nod for decades.. What chance of reform when 150Million people voted in the US Presidential election for the grifting to continue and 600k voted Green to change things.

my display name

@rbreich better grab one while they're still free...? 😓

Mark Stoneman 🦣

@rbreich Corporrate greed and government inaction.

Ramsi Woodcock

@rbreich This is a particularly egregious case because the regular pharma arguments about compensation for risk don't apply. First, covid was an unexpected event, so revenues from selling covid vaccines aren't necessary to cover the company's pre-covid mrna vaccine research. That research would have been undertaken in expectation of other returns. Second, the government directly funded Moderna's development of its covid vaccine (to the tune of $1 billion), so Moderna didn't face any risk.


@rbreich wish I could invent a vaccine. $19 billion would come in handy right now.

Stefan Midjich ꙮ҄

@rbreich when will peopl learn that corporate greed is a fact? government regulation is a must.

we can't just let corporations regulate themselves, all they want is growth and profit. say what you will about them but the only ones remotely interested in the well being of citizens are elected officials.


@rbreich Pharma bro!
It's all about the cash. People do not matter, just the ( money and how much the company can suck out of you) !

Karim Le Vallois

@rbreich Pretty sure it was one of the big pharma companies that cooked this virus in a lab in order to profit from it.


@rbreich I'm lucky enough to live in Japan. I've been vaccinated five times and haven't paid a single yen. This is what socialized medicine looks like.

Doug 🇨🇦🌈

@rbreich didn't someone else develop the vaccine? Development costs $0. Obscene pricing. Push through negotiating prices or buy Canadian.

Melanie (they, she)

@rbreich presumably you're a guy in the room with power. What are ypu doing about it, I mean beyond tooting.

Dr. Christian DeFeo

@rbreich What makes it more disgusting is that Moderna received $2.5 billion from the US government (plus $1 million from Dolly Parton) to develop its vaccine. We already paid for it, thanks.

FabPaule #FBPE

@rbreich there is also the R&D to pay for, but given most of this was paid for by governments internationally this seems like profiteering. Packing, shipping etc can’t possibly cost that.


@rbreich did anyone expect anything different.....profits.....stock holders want big returns....low percentage of Americans own it is gouging



To be fair, that is solved with single payer universal health care. They won’t be selling at that price to the Australian government, because the single layer will just say “ahhhh, no, we won’t pay that”.

Panicz Maciej Godek

@rbreich don't get me started on how computer game companies are ripping us off by demanding $50 for things that cost $0 to copy

Julie Montoya

@rbreich This is why we need a publicly-owned drug manufacturing company with a blanket exemption from paying any royalties on any so-called "intellectual property"

🔻 Crash (Fae/She)

@rbreich A government that was actually interested in the wellbeing of its constituents wouldn't allow this to happen. This is depraved.

Micro Kirt

@rbreich (cc-ing alter egos

#Moderna and #Pfizer are both raising prices of their #COVID vaccine by $100 per dose.

Do #SouthAfrica get to keep making their reverse engendered local version without a three figure licensing fee per dose? #GlobalHealth #AfricanScience

and does #Australia having local manufacturing mean we get some control of pricing or some share of profits? #auspol

Michael Pemberton

@kirt @rbreich Australia does not have local production of mRNA vaccines. CSL manufactured (under license) the AZ vaccine, which we soon stopped using locally.



Now look at the large insurers and PBMs and big pharma. $100 bucks says they get “rebates” that they do not pass onto the consumers, hence the CEOs keep driving up each others profits while further defrauding the people


@rbreich I wonder how much the vaccine research costs?

WeAre Rosie

@rbreich also government welfare for the rich

Oktawian Chojnacki

@rbreich I don’t mind paying that amount at all but less well off should have this financed by the state.

Or even better every dose should be provided by the state and prices aggressively negotiated down.

I believe companies are entitled to make hefty profits as an incentive to create new vaccines.

Oktawian Chojnacki

@rbreich Should mRNA be patentable is the question here. I don’t think so but that would need legislative work.

Greed is only natural. More reasonable regulation with bias for benefiting consumers and patients is the answer.

Yahia Lababidi

@rbreich That’s scandalous, Robert! Where are you getting these figures from?

nobodyzhome :toad:


How much did tax payers contribute to the development of it?

Jeff Bishop

@rbreich I suspect it cost them a wee bit more than $2.85 to develop one of the first two life-saving mRNA vaccines in history but you do you.

Lilly Evans

@rbreich Surely USA government can do something

@rbreich Is the $2.85 the manufacturing cost? Does it include provision for the R&D expenses or the cost of running trials and getting FDA approval? $130 seems a lot, for sure, but without a clear idea of how much of it is actually profit it’s hard to make an informed judgement about what the cost per dose should be.
Christian de Larrinaga

@rbreich It shows that the pharma industry is not operating in a free competitive market and that it is not regulated to put the public interest first.


The insiders at Moderna are definitely getting their cut of the spoils

Occupy Journey 🐧🇺🇲♒🌎

@rbreich libraries are most of the time, public funded and free to the public. Why then is public funded stuff like drugs and shit *not* free to the public???

Corporate controlled government. There is no other answer.



Please stop calling it corporate greed as if corporations are independent of the people who run them.

This is billionaire CEO Stéphane Bancel's decision. This is him and people like him behaving like psychopaths and holding people to ransom.

Ramon van Belzen

@rbreich not sure if there is vaccine for greed

Jeffrey Chesner

@rbreich A ground breaking, game changing way to produce vaccines. Took years of research to develope. The possibilities are miraculous, including cancer. What do you they should charge? $3.00?

Jason Fink Photography 📸

@rbreich Whatever, they can battle it out with my insurance company.

Wigwam Jones

@rbreich I don't care. I just paid $2800 for one of my several heart medications. Reform health care or shove off.

V is for...

@rbreich sure but $2.85 to make doesn’t sound like you’ve accounted for all costs. If make means “manufacture a dose” that isn’t the real and full cost.

As much as I get the $19 billion profit argument you’ve also got to account for more than just the “manufacturing cost”.

So the real cost will be higher. Just not $130, but somewhere more than $2.85.

Michelle Markel

@rbreich If more Americans were aware of this level of corporate greed, would they care? Or do they hope to be rich and greedy one day, themselves?


@rbreich This is what corporate greed being highly destructive to humanity looks like.


Did anyone think that pharmaceuticals are driven purely by humanitarian concerns?

The Duality of Xan

@rbreich While the pandemic is still going on, no less. Absolutely reprehensible.

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