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Arcanya :arcanya:
@meso Everybody should email Jimmy Wales and say "Hi Jimmy, we don't often ask this, but times are desperate and people need access to a website that doesn't look shit more than ever. Please... fix this... the world needs this... This will be my last ever email because I'm about to inhale a truck of asbestos. Just kidding, please expect another email in 1647 minutes"
Arcanya :arcanya:
@meso "You said this was for accessibility JImmy, but little Mikey from the rough end of Liverpool, your website no longer loads on his Nokia 64 he stole from that old dear last week, and he can no longer access the article listing Drug Cartels in Merseyside. You've fucked his employment opportunities right up haven't you ya little prick. Right muppet you kid, get it sorted lad or I'll nick ya ma's hubcaps"
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