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Parkscope Joe :rcid:

@paul GOAT app. Thanks for all your hard work.

jubnub :starfleet:

@paul so sad to officially lose Tweetbot, but I’m so excited for Ivory

Joel :void: :casio:

@paul you guys should consider also supporting other ActivituPub federated services like or


@joel @paul

If possible (as they are a team of two and may be a lot of work) but I’d love this


@paul I won’t use Twitter without Tweetbot. They lost me forever.

Adnan 🦙

@paul I am very sorry and I hope that you are able to replace it all here where you will have freedom. These last few weeks have been instructive about the need for the internet to be open.

Ruben Cavini

@paul @mark so sorry, really great app, didn’t deserve to do in this way.
Luckily @ivory is a worthy successor 🦣

Rizwan :ivory_elephant:

@paul 🫡

Rooting for bigger success for @ivory in coming weeks.

Jean-Francois Roy

@paul Farewell Tweetbot.

Has there ever been greater pressure to "ship, ship it now" to capture market as people migrate in the history of iOS?


@paul 🫡 so long and thanks for all the fi^H^H bird


@paul that is the end on Twitter for me after 10 years with your app. The original Twitter app ist horrible and I don’t know how one could possibly use it.
I can’t wait to use your mastodon app as soon as possible! :mastolove:


@paul first app I download on all my iOS devices! Sad to see it go, but looking forward to @ivory


@paul Thank you for an excellent application 😭, we will follow up on ivory


@paul R.i.P. Thats my new Wallpaper. Thanks for all the Beautiful years with Tweetbot. Waiting for @ivory Subscription.


@paul what about people who have subscribed to Tweetbot?

𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝙼𝟽𝚆𝚆𝚇)

@paul @ivory is already astonishingly good and I’m excited to be on this journey with you.


@paul just deleted iOS app but opted to continue subscription for rest of year.

Thank you for all of your hard work!


@paul Goodbye and thanks for all the fish. 😢

Simon Krull

@paul I‘m really really sad about this… BUT @ivory is the feature !


@paul 🥲 Thanks for all these years!

Dave Convery

@paul Thanks for making Twitter usable for so long. I’ll pick up Ivory as soon as it’s available.

Prentice Major III

@paul Thank you for the wonderful bird site experience. Looking forward to becoming an Ivory user.

Koen van Gilst

@paul sorry to hear this, I’ve been a fan until the end and look forward to Ivory.

Alex, you know, that one guy

@paul So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Looking forward to when Ivory rises from Tweetbot’s ashes.

Mark Dreger

@paul That one last icon @mark created is fitting but absolutely devastating.

Aiden Kenny

@paul Thank you for all your work with Tweetbot. I have enjoyed using it for many, many years. I’m shocked that you and your team’s work was so disrespected in the end. I look forward to supporting @ivory as I have supported your products in the past.

Andy P

@paul although it’s being removed from the Home Screen it’s not being deleted from the devices. The app I used most will live in that App Library. Now on to Ivory….

@paul I'm so sorry it ended this way and that all your years of effort were so callously tossed aside by a capricious tyrant.
Dean Amiridis

@paul Sad sad time. You guys are crushing it with Ivory though! You rock!

Nathan A Harig

@paul sorry, i absolutely loved tweetbot. It isn't useful anymore but I still refuse to uninstall it just yet

Ross 🍂 :verified_gay:

@paul The header image on that blog post is more emotional than I thought it would be!


@paul The header image 😭 Sorry it came to this but looking forward to continuing to support Tapbots via Ivory (which I love!)


Thank you Paul. ☹️
This is sad, but I am looking forward to Ivory.

Remco Overdijk :gold:

@paul 🫡 Thanks for all those years together. I'm going down with the ship. Looking forward to continue the trip on Ivory once it's available!

Justin Cabral

@paul thanks for all the hard work over the years. Loved the app.


@paul thanks for everything you and your did over the years. Sad to see Tweetbot go, but excited for the future here!

Bernd Kilga

@paul @mark Thank you so much for all the hard work! Tweetbot was Twitter for me and I’ll continue subscribing to Ivory ❤️


@paul as a long time user, I'm sorry for your loss, and everyone else's loss as well.


@targrus @paul


Thanks for everything Paul and very best of luck in future

Am just about done with Twitter thanks to that murdering twat but very much enjoying Ivory test version and will be subbing immediately on release

Peter Christensen

@paul It was with great sadness that I deleted my Tweetbot apps yesterday. Thank you for the great run. Can’t wait for Ivory, even if it’s just for the ability to flip images away! :)


@paul such a shame it’s ended this way. Should something change and third party apps are given access, will you continue to work on Tweetbot?


@paul I loved TweetBot and was a very happy subscriber. Thank you for all your work over the years in making such a delightful app. I look forward to subscribing to Ivory in the (hopefully) near future!


@paul hard for me to ‘like’ this, but anything I can do to support you guys I’ll do.


@paul that's sad and good News in one Post 👏 i'm excited about the ivorybot 😁

Benjamin Broll

@paul what a sad moment, had been my go-to Twitter client for many years. Looking forward to continue using Ivory once it’s published officially ❤️


@paul such a bummer… tweetbot was by favorite app


@paul thank you for Tweetbot. It was always my most used app. I look forward to seeing @ivory develop

Ryan Q

@paul Super sad, but I'll be subscribing to @ivory day one to support you guys.

Thank you for years of work on Tweetbot.

Cameron Brister

@paul it was a good run. I’ve sworn off bird site if I can’t use Tweetbot. RIP.


@paul End of an era. I'll miss it, and probably not be on Twitter as much either. So long and thank you for all the tweets


@paul, time for me to say goodbye to Twitter then!

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