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Mx Amber Alex

how often does it need saying:

if i see you posting tons of un CW'd shit, i mute or block you.

if i see you posting CW'd shit, i read what i can.

un CW'd shit doesn't get you MORE engagement, it gets you LESS.

Mx Amber Alex

and the next bullshit take about how CW'ing politics is censorship, when it's really about protecting the most affected, will get blocked six ways to sunday.

the privileged majority will not care, whether you shove un CW'd posts in their (and everyone else's!) face or CW it! their ignorance is deliberate! no amount of shock value will change it!

Mx Amber Alex

posts with CW give people the choice of what they can engage with.

posts without CW only leave them the choice to block/mute/unfollow you.

Mx Amber Alex

Anyone who believes that racist, transphobic, ableist, etc. people can be forced to care about us by shoving gruesome posts in their face is deluded.

Anyone who believes that that isworth retraumatising the rest of the community is a danger to us.

And yes, when you spend every day getting it rubbed in your face that society wants you dead, then just regular bad news are retraumatising. That's why we CW politics, because when it's inescapable and everywhere, even just "lawmaker John Doe wants to outlaw people like me" is trauma. When life is a battleground, just the sound of gunfire is too much to bear.

Anyone who believes that racist, transphobic, ableist, etc. people can be forced to care about us by shoving gruesome posts in their face is deluded.

Anyone who believes that that isworth retraumatising the rest of the community is a danger to us.

And yes, when you spend every day getting it rubbed in your face that society wants you dead, then just regular bad news are retraumatising. That's why we CW politics, because when it's inescapable and everywhere, even just "lawmaker John Doe wants to outlaw...

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