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@grishka good! And a few remaks ;)
- SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe, you can use ThreadLocal<DateFormat>
- to parse ISO8601 you can use the java.time.OffsetDateTime class
- you use threads, but if an exception will be thrown you never notice about it. You can catch the exception like this ```public void run { try { ... } catch(Exception e) {...}}```
- don't ignore the exception, you can log the exception
- don't use the printStacktrace method, you can use the logger (i. e. slf4j).

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@ma1uta thanks!

Exceptions are caught by the web framework and output as an error page, the handler is set in Main (it outputs "internal server error" by default, I wanted it to be more informative). In thread pool runnables, there's always a try-catch.

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