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Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

My Twitter just hit 60K

Over 32K here now, come on Mastodon, you've got some catching up to do ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ˜œ

foot long chili skottdog

@gamingonlinux So you're saying I should create a bunch of fake accounts to get you over 60k?


@gamingonlinux well, if you consider how many people are on T vs M, M is clearly winning % wise =D


@gamingonlinux ah come on, let's face reality, while Twitter is running, you will still have more engagement from there (just take into account dual Twitter/Mastodon IDs, who follow you on Twitter and not on Mastodon), and also people are not used to "Fediverse", after being lulled into centralised social networks for so long and that shows... ๐Ÿ˜œ and if their faves are not on Masto, they are out... we need more Twitter to Masto bridges...

Radoje Radi

@gamingonlinux maybe we shall give you also a foot game :)

Michael Labowicz

@gamingonlinux go all in, thats the only way to do it. I don't care about my twitter followers at all at this point.

Antero Hytรถnen

@gamingonlinux Helped already by unfollowing on Twitter. I'm not in a hurry yet to delete my Twitter account, but less busy it is, the better.


@gamingonlinux didn't you say you were done with twitter? grats on 60k either way, big number.

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